Ireland politics (Part 1)

SF should be claiming ownership of this chap and promoting itself as the party of law & order and ethical commerce .

Can’t see the networks opening a bidding war for the rights on this one.

It would do good numbers.

It was reported last week that a few stations requested it but the Fine Gael “Top Brass” were against it

Enda Kenny was against having a public debate?


This false imprisonment trial of Paul Murphy et al is a farce of epic proportions.

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Is that so Ban-dage?


Burton has been really playing the poor victim card. She got a bit of a bashing today of the defence.

Been a bit of a bad couple of days for the government. Enda caught lying over this support of Saudi Arabia to a UN humans rights committee for women and not forget the Garda commissioner caught lying through her teeth to the PAC.

Enda’s imaginary conversations (cc @Tassotti) were chronicled on a thread a while back. That’s another one to add to the list.

Will he use the “mea cupla” excuse again? The man must have a touch of Alzheimer’s.

You wouldn’t mind but by their denial they are pretty much admitting they voted for the Saudis anyway. The idea that we aren’t entitled to know what way our country voted would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious

Its an establishment political party issue mate,

They’ve no morals.

Quote me if I’m wrong but from hearing guff on Shannonside ** there earlier it appears that 53 votes were cast.
No dissenters and 6 abstentions. You can be sure that we didn’t abstain and yet that Laois fuckwit Flanagan attempts to side-step the question. He’d be well advised to leave the Laois side-step maneavour to Tom Prendergast.

In additional opinion - Nóirín would appear to be toast. Pontius Pilate aka Miriam’s Jim has gotten to the end of his rope with her it seems.

**Shannonside may not be the equilivant of Fox news.

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As long as western governments pander to the cesspit of evil that is Saudi Arabiia they have no moral authority to judge anyone .

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Unfortunately this isn’t or was never about moral authority

Course not.saudi is a big and growing export market for Ireland.

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Exactly. 65 million secured in the last trade visit. Brexit on the horizon. You can’t be letting a little thing like women’s rights be getting in the way

Did you see the story during the week about the site bought for a dog track on the way to Meelick? Cost 1.5 million no road access and prone to flooding. It’s worth 100k now.

Didn’t see that no.