Ireland politics (Part 1)

Women are humans too, according to Enda.

To be honest and to be fair the Irish govt did as told by EU/Brits/US. The Saudis are a counterbalance and the Eyerainyun hageomony in the ME and are have an insatiable appetite military hardware . Oh yeah and they have oil .

That is true. But even if it wasn’t, the Saudi market is still of huge potential to us and all the more important with Britain saying adios to Europe

A scary read .

Wow. Some very big words there

At my most creative between 6 am and 9 am . All downhill thereafter .

Noreen caught up in a web of lies again.
I see the woman (:rollseyes:) they’ve appointed for the external review of the gardai previously sat on the 3 person panel which appointed O’Sullivan

Nice piece on Newstalk there with Williams and Eamon Delaney discussing how Ireland was third out of 28 in the Euro nanny state league followed by a piece on the news about how some blueshirt td chap called Jim Daly is drafting a bill to fine parents who let their children have devices with unrestricted internet access.

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This O’Toole character seems perfect for the job.

O’Toole is the same one mentioned in that Seattle case and the one being drafted in to investigate O’Sullivan/Gardai even though she’s the one that appointed her in the first place?

That’s her.


I think the blue shirts think we are stupid

They’re dead on. And we’re getting thicker.


FG are thicker than us, they’re never voted back in twice in a row. The only reason they got back this time was because FF knew backing them would strengthen their own position for the subsequent election.

I think that reflects more on the indoctrined nature of the Irish voter. [quote=“mikehunt, post:3481, topic:18085, full:true”]

The only reason they got back this time was because FF knew backing them would strengthen their own position for the subsequent election.

Well apart from the reason that FF are a shambles of a party still with Martin and Cowen eile leading up the front bench.

Cowen eile has the worst attendance record at the Oireachtas housing committee. I wonder has he the same affliction as the brother.


Being an ignoramus Offaly cunt? Undoubtably.


That as well.

They’re still out-manoeuvring FG. That’s more an indictment of FG which proves my point about them being the thickest of all.