Ireland politics (Part 1)

Stopped clock theory

Ah stop, he is some cock alright.

Awe Francis wont be throwing her hat in the ring for the leadership of FG. She’ll be lucky to hold her seat at the next election.

The daily wouldn’t have ratified her even if she won the contest

When fellas wouldn’t pay their water charges they had to raise the cash from somewhere :point_up:

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The most damning aspect of his political career was his complete inability to lie straight.

Fine Gael’s 2011 election manifesto was essentially Fianna Fáils. They were heavily criticised for that but didn’t need to do much more to get the most seats- FF were toxic and there is a chunk of the population who won’t vote hard left. What they did in Government was hardly a surprise therefore.

There were a couple of things said- “not another cent” et cetera but they are hardly the first government to say that.

The disappointing thing about the 2011 coalition was that they didn’t properly reform the public service or properly reorganise the semi state sector. They bowed to Labour in keeping the PS sweet by bringing in temporary cuts and cuts to younger workers rather than reforming the whole house of horrors. They also bowed to Labour in pursuing mediocre welfare reform. By not making these proper cuts, instead we cut capital spending and didn’t look at the long term properly market, instead choosing the short term politically acceptable solution through NAMA. We are seeing the damage of that now in housing being a mess and sadly this Government won’t have a legacy project like DART Underground to hang their hat on.

Labour got no thanks for their efforts at keeping their base happy and many of the FG voters from 2011 were disillusioned with FG for not making greater reform.

What they did do though is restore Ireland’s international reputation business wise. They made all the right signalling moves. They stood up for our Corporation Tax rate. FG are now actually doing a very good job at promoting the border issue in Brexit, but won’t get many plaudits for that. Forget about the sideshow news issues which turn people in Ireland into cranks, Ireland is a pretty good place to live. They have brought Ireland from 15% unemployment to near full employment, with no repeat bailouts like Greece. The same sex marriage referendum will be remembered as an important moment historically in Ireland. Maybe it was by accident but he will be kindly remembered in the history books.


Enda has done the State some service; they know’t. No more of that

That weasel Brian Hayes has thrown his support behind Varadkar.


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Hasn’t Frank Flannery also touted Leo? Three absolute cunts right there.

He said on newstalk this morning he wouldn’t be declaring his preference for a while yet. The Dublin lads will all row in behind Varadkar anyway

They were both behind the last attempted coup so no surprise there at all. Hayes wants to get back home.

The only potential spanner in the works will be if Harris or Donohoe enters the fray and they’re more likely to harm Coveney than Varadkar.

Leo, and the two Simon’s arent ready yet, all 3 are undercooked. I can see Charlie Flanagan making a wonderful compromise candidate for the short term.

Noonan has gone too. Its a smart move, Kenny was his general. We all saw how he went without Enda previously.

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Michael Noonan’s reign of terror has come to an end.

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James Reilly has resigned as deputy leader of Fine Gael

Harris is front and centre at Coveney’s campaign launch

Stupid RTE sent on a newflash saying he wanted to stay on in cabinet

Ah wonderful.

Coveney is the perfect choice for FG to shoot themselves in the foot and lose whatever public they have.

However competent he is, he comes across as the kind of a cunt that you hated in school. Always did well in the exams but was never the top of the class and made up for that by licking the hole off of every teacher he could. A prefect that was more than likely ridiculed by the class he had to supervise.

If he gets it there’ll be an election before the budget. One controversy should see him unable to handle the press and give FF the excuse they need to pull the plug and not look to be cuntish for doing so.