Ireland politics (Part 1)

Iā€™m stage 7 at least. Iā€™m seething.


:hushed: :grin:

Put on your sunglasses there and go for a spin on your motor bike and calm the fuck down.

The last thing the country needed in 2011 was people thinking this is a massive opportunity to start afresh and tearing apart the public sector and the health service. The country needed a dull conservative government with no new ideas with just a modicum of competence and thatā€™s what we got. Look what happened with the one thing they tried to reform, water.

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And hereā€™s my last word on the Queens shilling. I left to go to Glasgow, and then Manchester amongst other places as I couldnā€™t do my work at home. (I subsequently have trained Irish people who have brought that back, and continue to do so)
When in manc, I met my wife. When the chance came to.move back, one of us desperately wanted to go, and one to stay. One of us had to sacrifice that, so I made it me.
I donā€™t really care about money save to pay the bills. I pay tax in Ireland, I help out professionally without payment, I try and do my bit. I donā€™t want to be stuck in England,but I am.
I make a few quid, and try and have a bit if a laugh if I can, but Iā€™d rather swim in the sea every day.


There will never be a better opportunity for Public Sector reform. They could have blamed it on the Troika, theyā€™re back looking for ā€œrestorationā€ even though pay levels were unsustainable then and even more so now.

Irish Water was many things but an attempt at reform was not one of them.

We get it youā€™re a great fellow altogether.

Stop explaining yourself FFS


Once again, the facts do not support the ā€œfeelingā€ statement.

More new companies started last in year than in any of the previous 20 years. This is a result of;

Other measures taken;
Stategic Bank started

  • reduced Captal Gains Tax to 20% for entrepreneurs
  • Knowledge Develolment Box

Just two days ago;ā€™s-growing-businesses

Their major failing in business terms is the ridiculous levels of personal taxation in this country, to pay for mediocre services and layabouts.

Itā€™s funny how Fine Gael are just ā€œluckyā€ that Ireland is the fastest growing economy in Europe (ā€œthe Troika looked after the budget, the economy was open anyway!ā€) but ship all the blame for housing for example. Itā€™s not like there was a near wipe out of Irelandā€™s construction industry cheerleaded by the media between 2009-2012. I sit in the middle, you have to give them credit where credit is due and blame where it is deserved.

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But this is the issue.

A huge % of the Irish public voted for the Labour Party in 2011, the party historically most associated with Trade Unions.

Itā€™s called coalition government.

FG could have got an overall majority is they had had the balls to dump Kenny in 2010 but they not the point.

The day when Cowen tried to pull a stroke and cull all the retiring TDs in the cabinet (including Mary Harney helping her old party) so he could give some name recognition to some backbenchers for a few weeks in 2011 was surreal. It was absolutely appalling carry on with the country just having entered a IMF programme and the Finance Bill still not signed off.

That kind of shite ensured a good few FF voters stayed at home a few weeks later.

I always respected Barry Andrews for rejecting the justice job as he knew it was a stroke.

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Unreal stuff.

Mention of Trevor Sargent in that article reminds that I read in the local press in Wexford last month that heā€™s settled in the county and becoming a minister in the Church of Ireland.

Leo is romping home. Any TD not to support him at this stage would be some plonker.

Itā€™s all too PC at the moment.

Only ministry heā€™ll ever see now Iā€™d say.

It was 31-17 to him in parliamentary party pledges of allegiance last night. I read some reports this morning stating Coveney camp sources said it could be 32-32 by the end of today and they werenā€™t panicking. But since then Kehoe, Flanagan and Deasy have come out with Leo.

But there are still some lads in the closet?

Patrick Oā€™Donovan is the latest to come out with Leo.

Has anyone come out with Simon?

rural Ireland is not ready for a shirtlifter taoiseach