Ireland politics (Part 1)

They’re well able to do it in the North.

Labour are finished…I dont see a viable alternative.

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The north is a glorified county council .

Labour have a chance when SF go into power .


SF wont go into govt as a junior member

And the south is that much different?


We’re governed from Brussels on anything material pal.

There’s fuck all difference really.


Granted our government has no reins over monetary policy but it is still a level or two above Norn iron .

Kenny was a major negative for FG.

How much of a bounce is there for Leo?

Kenny’s greatest political strength was that he played the fool and said nothing…Leo won’t be able to hold back from spitting the 1% narrative.

His honesty will be his demise.

A quarter of the electorate want to vote for headbangers.

A massive block want to vote for somebody who provides some sense of direction. Kenny was ridiculous. He stood for nothing.

If Leo projects any sort of vision, he is good to go. Every cunt in Dublin is stuck in a traffic jam between a battery farm creche and a house he can’t afford.

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He’s too outspoken pal,

I personally thought Coveney would’ve been their next leader as he would be deemed a safe pair of hands and is close to Sutherland.

It’s win win for their political opponents now particularly with Noonan gone.

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The lovely Kate was screwed either way. She was only ever nominated by Enda in the first place to shaft Mrs Bradford. Once that project was successful, that was the end of her usefulness. If Mrs Bradford was minded to tear herself away from Vulcan Consulting, it mightn’t be beyond the bounds of possibility she could be on the ticket next time out with the leaders patronage.

If Leo projects any sort of vision, he is good to go. Every cunt in Dublin is stuck in a traffic jam between a battery farm creche and a house he can’t afford.

Now ye said it,i know a lad who just paid 450000 for a 3 bed semi in templenogue,both parents working with 2 kids and half or more of one wage going on after school childcare.Fucking insane stuff.

This sort of thing, rightly or wrongly, drives the likes of your mate around the twist. They are only waiting for a more right wing type they can vote for. Look at the comments after that article.

Leo could say anything though …

My good friend Kev Cunningham was projecting a 9% bounce for Fine Gael on Claire Byrne’s radio show today, based on his research.

This compared to a projected 6% bounce had Coveney won.

That cunt drives me mad never mind my mate,wheres me free house?People wonder then why right wingers like kenny and co are voted in then.

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Right-wing types tend to be very vocal on social media, ie. comment sections, forums etc, more vocal than they are in the real world.

The Journal is a haven for authoritarian right-wing comments. has essentially been taken over by far-right trolls for many years now.

Is there a constituency there for the likes of Leo though?

Kenny appealed to nobody. He wasn’t FF and normal people could vote for him. That was about it.

That’s the story that dominates though

Varadkar represents the soft authoritarian right-wing with a cuddly social liberal stance thrown in to appeal to the centre ground. He’ll really appeal to the type of people who think Michael O’Leary should be running the country, ie. the people who would vote Tory if they lived in Britain.

I don’t see him going down particularly well outside of Dublin and the commuter belt. I’m not sure he has the sort of crossover appeal Bertie Ahern had and I think it’s only a matter of time before he puts his foot in his mouth over something. He’s going to be the least experienced Taoiseach for many decades.

You’d imagine he’ll be a media darling for the first few months though which will help him going into an election if there’s one later this year. The Sindo in particular will love him.



I think he comes across as having more depth than Kenny. More vision. He’s a long way from a Tory to be fair. Those lads have left the EU rather than look at immigrants.

This is all moot though. 50% of the electorate in Kerry reckon God created global warming and a big dinner is as intoxicating as a few pints. Or voted for somebody who thinks that way.

Ultimately, the country needs hard decision in a few areas. The last lad coughed up

to deal with nonsense and destroyed his mandate.