Ireland politics (Part 1)

No one ever comes clean in Ireland, the tactic is batton down the hatches till the storm passes and the carry on as normal. What you would expect though if you are a CEO is to be better briefed to handle questions that Doherty threw at them and not sit there and look like dumb shits getting caught with their pants down.

The report was always going to be leaked, I find it hard to believe that Leo thought that he could bury this. The guy must have his head so far up his own arse that he can’t see how much he is hated within his own party.

Private industry’s main priority is to make as much profit for their shareholders as possible. You had the minister in charge on the radio last week basically pleading with the insurance industry to lower their prices. If they did this they would not be doing their job. Obviously there are vested interests within government to maintain high insurance profits. The Bailey/Madigan case being an example.

EU know what’s going on and will tackle it. Insurance companies are making hay while the sun shines, they know it’s coming to an end but not because of any state intervention. There is clearly a cartel in operation where certain companies move lucrative premium amongst each other to maintain the illusion that there is competition when in reality there is none.

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Is that what they are up to these days.

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It’s FG if they are not fucking someone under the bus or knifing someone in the back then its time to worry.


@anon61878697 the signs are Mary Lou McDonald has learnt nothing from Sinn Féin taking a shellacking in the European and Local elections. She’s back wittering on about stuff people don’t give a fuck about such as Paul Kehoe’s position as Minister for Defence and then seeing which way the twitter wind is blowing on other stuff. Are you going to raise a no confidence motion in your local cumann / cell or what?

It’s been raised — There was a great energy about the party on the back end of the last GE … Mary Lou has slowly chipped away at this … As you allude to, she’s a re-actionist - no vision at all… Only Pearse can save the country now.

harsh on Mary Lou

Only one?


That stinks.


It’s a great little country all the same


Nothing wrong here , these are socialists . They are fighting the system

Un-fucking-real. Double standards, just so disappointing to read that

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They are all the same.

But weren’t Daly and Wallace going to change politics for us all??

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no rules are being broken

Human nature is very corrupt