Ireland politics (Part 1)

Are you after a few pints pal?

Child should be taken and put into care if the parent is doing that as a begging tool.

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Are you? Weird offshoot but I’ll go with it.

You can’t keep up these inconsistencies, mate. Living like lord of the manor while critiscing others for not giving away all their worldly possessions is inconsistent.


Why don’t you apply yourself more at work? If you’re bitter about lads taking a break abroad, you need to have a look at yourself first @Horsebox

I’m not bitter about lads taking breaks abroad. I think your comprehension skills are being stretched to their limits here, pal.


Our very own…


I just highlighted your screaching mate, by all means carry on.

Have a quick re-read over the interaction in the morning, boss. I think you’ll get it then. Good night, friend.

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Have another go at it in the morning, mate.

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I went on holidays two years ago for 5 nights and you’re having a stroke… Great to see you’re holding me to the same standards as our government tho, says a lot of the esteem with which I’m held… I didn’t realise the Dail was on holidays either… But we live and learn.

@Horsebox ‘s attack has hit @anon61878697 hard.


I wasn’t the one lashing out here… But all you lickspittles usually band together… Kell surprise horsey is getting all uppity when his two favourite institutions are being attacked…FG and the rubby set.

Horsey thinks you can’t want something better for society than homeless families queuing up to be fed off bits of cardboard on the ground, if you’ve been on holidays yourself in the last 2 years.

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It was a bizarre rant from him to a tweet that highlighted inequalities in society … the lads that flocked to him was very telling tho— all right leaning conservatives.

Champagne conservatives.

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Once again, this has gone clane over your head, boss. FG have been an utter disgrace on housing and they must be held to account for this. But I hold Choco to a higher standard than falling for this tabloid journalism type “people are homeless so nobody should have anything nice” type posts. That could easily be “look at this child eating from a cardboard box while SF activist Mark Renton gorges on lactation cookies”. It’s nonsense and I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in you.


I think it also went clane over your head.

On a side note - are the Dail currently on holidays or are ministers over in Japan gorging themselves on the tax payers money?

You need to realign your priorities and values, bro. You’re slipping and getting soft.

Can you answer that last question for me pal?