Ireland politics (Part 1)


Is she a minister, bud?

Sorry bro - I should have said senator - but I think the point stands … are the three or four of them out there living it up?

Interview with PWC’s Feargal O’Rourke in The Currency yesterday.

He’ll be running for Fianna Fáil at the election after this one I reckon.

I’d say it’s a jolly alright, mate.

I don’t think that was quite the point mate, but sure lash away.

That fat little cunt would fit over a burco boiler.

Let’s just put this misunderstanding behind us and move on. I’d hate to fall out with you.

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Investigation ordered into irregularities after Dooley recorded as voting six times despite being absent from Dail chamber

Is this a limerick only phenomenon or do politicans in other counties go and stand near things they are complaining about for photo opps as well?
Niall Collins is a great man for it too, there’d often be a picture of him pointing at a pot hole or looking concerned at a bad junction or something. Hopefully the most recent incident of him being caught on camera will shut him up for a while.

Think that’s a nationwide phenomenon.

You always get local politicians in local papers pictured at, as you say, potholes, dangerous bends/junctions (we want traffic calming measures!), a random field which is being developed, a disused building where there is anti-social behaviour etc etc.

Minister O Donovan loves to wave the hands when he’s talking. Only noticed it recently. It’s most distracting.

Or at a vineyard in Italy

Where do you start with this one.

@Bandage put up a tweet Sean Kelly posted after the vote, all happy with enjoyable journey he had.


there’s nothing wrong with having your picture taken in a way that demonstrates your connection with a subject. I have just uploaded my latest instagram picture, its me standing in a field with cattle. We are all in a sort of group.I have my hands on their shoulders in a friendly way. Like a team photograph before a county final. It shows we are equal and they are my friends and that I am a Vegan. That I am to be respected for the stand I am taking



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All that’s missing is Daisy smoking a cigarette !

The replies to Kelly’s tweet are tremendous. He gets absolutely battered. Serves the self important retard right.

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