Ireland politics (Part 1)

hes having the last laugh, those burgers are about 20 quid, and were all paying.

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Which one of you fuckers posted this tweet? This has the fingerprints of a TFK poster all over it. :slight_smile:



Kelly’s tweet and Billy Kelleher’s statement about not being present for the vote have shown me that these lads treat being an MEP like a second year Arts student in UCD. They’re like a student who needs to come home to mammy down the country on Thursday nights for a long weekend because they’ve no lectures on Fridays. Boys going on about their 2.5 hour bus journey from Strasbourg to Frankfurt to make sure they caught a flight and had time for a burger.


if you did a Venn diagram of her CV and the Job spec it would look something like this.



It’s hard to comprehend the total lack of self awareness. It’s like his account was hacked or he is trolling some vegan friendly environmentally conscious group who care about asylum seekers.



:rofl: jesus christ

And working class hero daly? Oh yeah i forgot you’re woke now

Has she given a statement about not voting? I saw Kelleher’s, but nothing from her. Are you expecting me to make a statement for her or something?

Mick Wallace’s son voted on her behalf but it seems that carry on isn’t allowed in Europe


Here’s Maria again…

There are some needy fuckers out there.

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It could of been worse. She could of tweeted a photo of her burger!

furry or batter?


The people of Kerry will still vote this do nothing dimwhit in whenever and wherever he runs for office in the future. @Bandage had him well sussed years ago.

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Sean just poked his little turtle head out of his shell and tweeted that he voted against the motion because he felt it “still needed some work”. He walked straight into another blizzard of scorn, derision and abuse and has gone back into his shell, unlikely to be seen again this side of Christmas.

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He didn’t say that in April 2005

He let rugby into Croke Park but wants to keep persecuted refugees out of Europe

He’s alright, Jack

Mairead Mcguinness complaining that the controversy over how Fg voted has become “politicised” . Someone needs to tell her quickly that she is a politician.



Terror how a voting controversy in a House of Parliament could become politicized some how

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