Ireland politics (Part 1)

Where is this figure of 500? I think a year away and a year at home is reasonable for professional soldiers. Seeing as there isn’t much to do at home.

What statement didn’t i back up?

Why don’t you look it up instead of expecting me to spoonfeed everything to you.

Of course you do. Fucking hell. We’ll leave it there so.

With you having no argument you sniveller. I tried to get adult level debate out of you but its beyond you.

Make stupid ill-informed statements, get called up, resort to childish namecalling. You’re like clockwork.

Well that’ll help developers and builders keep the price down alright.

Again, no point from you. Just a gentle whinge.

Do you have any realisation that you post like a child? You have to prove why was it nonsense, not just shriek THATS NONSENSE


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Sure Muslims in ireland have warned of radicals operating for years, have pleaded for help as they came to ireland to get away from the medieval shite but the government is too politically correct and petrified to do anything about it.

That Clifford Lee will win that seat, another fucking eejit.

Lost all respect for the Green Party when Eamon Ryan said that people living in the Country don’t need cars.

Hasn’t Eamon enough stuff going on at home to be concerning him?

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What’s this? Think you may be barking up the wrong tree though if its legal difficulties of a relative.

We’ll see

That’s pretty creepy. Are you outside his house right now?

No not his.

Will you throw me on a pot of coffee?


I know medical students can sometimes be cunts but it’s grossly unfair on the medical science department at NUIG to say they’re “radicalising” students

They are teaching them

It just proves the huge anti-education bias in the Murdoch media

He didn’t say that