Ireland politics (Part 1)


Sweep sweep


I couldn’t possibly comment

You hooked nose planet killing cunt. I hope when we introduce wolves they rip you from.limb to limb


You’re worse than an old woman for gossip and letting everyone know that you know.


Shur I know nothing, everyone knows that



Not sure. O Brien and his set hate Clifford Lee with a passion and won’t lift a finger to help her. Granted the massive FF vote in malahide will be hard bet.

just remember guys

Fingal needs a green voice


I’ll still be throwing up posters for the Labour lad next Friday


Fionan Sheehan doing an article on Joe Obrien and the by election this week

Could somebody explain this O’Devaney Gardens deal to me? Should I be ending my brief liaison with the Soc Dems?

This new revelation about the spiralling costs of the children’s hospital could make Martin pull the plug I reckon

New revelation?? Have you been living on the moon?

Happy Friday tomorrow

I heard Eoin O Broinn and some Social Democrat chap go at it on Matt Cooper yesterday evening. Threre seems to be a slight of hand going on with the market value of the land and how much the state are getting for it. The social democrat chap seemed desperate for it to go ahead even though he agreed the state were getting fleeced. Some social housing is better than none was his argument. O’Broinn’s knowledge of his brief, as always, was impeccable. Even the super-capitalist and blinker Karl Deeter who was standing in for Cooper failed to land a jab.

Very hard from that to figure out what the deal was from the debate.

One thing I took from it was that O’Broin was happy to delay the scheme unless it completely met his requirements. Ideological purity ahead of getting shit done.

I thought the SD guys (Garry Gannon?) point was very pragmatic: that to his view getting 200+ units built ASAP and the families housed was worth the deal, and there was a cost to the state of delaying the scheme in housing them in hotels anyway. He sounded like a guy who was out meeting families in that situation the whole time rather than just being a policy wonk playing politics like O’Broin.

From listening to O’Broinn, my reading of it is that the state is transferring ownership of the site to a developer and getting 7m for it when it is worth far far more than that, (I think he said it’s worth 50m) The difference would build a lot of social housing. Enough state assets have been sold off at knock down prices. I can totally understand Sinn Fein’s stance. Using a desperate situation to line the pockets of private stakeholders is textbook FG/Tory policy.


It seems like a bit of a mess alright. From a quick google it would seem:

  • This was initially to be done as a PPP with McNamara but obviously that fell through

  • A deal was agreed and signed off by councillors (including Sinn Fein) to see tenders to redevelop the site with 30 % social housing, 20% affordable and 50% private. It would seem that the land is included as part of that deal

  • Presumably Bartra won that tender and I presume there were other parties who tendered for it

  • It would seem now that Sinn Fein have an issue with a private company making a profit on it and would like it to be 100% public housing. However I presume that they’ll have to get a builder in to do that too so they don’t seem to say how they plan to avoid that contractor making a profit of the contract. This position would appear to be a complete back-track from the policy/plan they voted on the first time

  • Most likely outcome, significantly more delays, no houses built for anyone, Sinn Fein’s “solution” doesn’t happen but over the upcoming years it cries crocodile tears for the families that would have been housed there. I suppose - prolonging misery as a way of harvesting votes is one strategy.

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