Ireland politics (Part 1)

I see that Lorraine Clifford Lee has been caught posting offensive tweets.

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The Internet never forgets.

There’s plenty more screenshots on the Twitter machine.




she says that yes, theyre her tweets and she apologises for them, but that its a smear campaign :smiley:

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Not much wrong in that.


I’m telling you lads. The Labour fella(a nobody councillor from swords) is gonna give this a right go. Lovely chap. And capable. Giving it his all with a big campaign.
FG are running James Reilly. Even FG people didn’t vote for him last time.
FF should walk it but are running the racist above. She has other issues. Chiefly, her and Darragh ò Brien don’t get on so his operation (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) aren’t lifting a finger to help her in a fairly big constituency.
Greens are running Joe ò Brien. Good luck to him but his operation (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) seem more interested with fighting lads about bikes on the internet.
Shinners (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) are curled up in a paranoid ball.

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If Clifford Lee doesn’t get elected she should be booted out of FF. Darragh Butler would walk it.

If they ran Butler with O’Brien at the next general election, I would see 2 FF, 1 FG, 1 LAB, 1 Green.

SF are fucked.

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They have to run a female in this constituency

Whats a Lizzo?

My sources tell me that Butler will run as an Independent at the GE… TFK exclusive !!

FF 1, FG 1, LAB 1, GREEN 1, IND 1.

Are you seriously suggesting that a chap called Duncan Smith will be elected in an Irish constituency?

The whole gender quota thing is a fucking joke

Only to men.

The Maria Bailey defense. Will probably claim it’s gender based next.

He’ll split the vote with his identical twin Iain

clifford has never been shy of playing the gender card

Is she a lifelong feminist or is she a bit like MMOC who discovered she was all for gender quotas and calling out “sexism” once she was sacked?

similar ilk to MMOC, an intellectual equal if you like