Ireland politics (Part 1)

Cos the people of Fingal donā€™t actually realise they have one already


Weā€™ve all been there.

Except @glasagusban


who is a woman scorned

Trying to secure the oughterard demographic?

The figures are unbelievable. Well over twice the money sent to Nigeria than the next highest country. He has a right to ask without having the R word bandied about.

Weird the way the some lads think racists should be allowed to be racist without being called racist



As far as I can see, be listed 5 countries, including the U.Kā€¦ Nigeria has been picked out as the headline by a few like Gavan Reilly above, for whatever reason.

There is some dispute though whether the info he has is accurate.

bit rich for the dail to be querying the world bank figures when our own dept of finance can find 3.7bn down the back of the sofa

ā€œIf you have any evidence, any evidence at all, that anyone is transferring money abroad which doesnā€™t belong to them, do pass it on to us and weā€™ll have it checked into,ā€ Mr Varadkar told Deputy Grealish.


This from someone spending millions on appealing a ruling that said Irish govt facilitated and encouraged this kind of carry on.


I see Ruth Coppinger isnā€™t wasting any time to be outraged by the comments.

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And every single Irish registered company around the IFSC worth hundreds of millions.

But hey get a load of Grealish being racist eh!

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You seem to be saying that a TD being racist is not a cause for concern


Flippancy about racism invites readers to draw conclusions about the person who makes the post

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Coppinger is on a hair trigger for getting offended.

If she isnā€™t offended she isnā€™t happy .

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Do what your want mate.

If thatā€™s what turns you on.

Heā€™ll be returned in a landslide. As you can see from the comments here racism is rife in Ireland

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