Ireland politics (Part 1)

Can you show me one racist comment on this subject ?

There you go, thats one

Coppinger is the same race as myself

She didn’t even make the racist statement in the Dail, Micheal Grealish did but rather than acknowledge that you casually shift the narrative to avoid your crony in the Dail facing the criticism he deserves. Its racist enabling 101, a well employed tactic from the casual racist set, utilised to the full by the far right


I don’t know Mr Grealish . You didn’t answer my question .

I actually did. Even fleshed it out just for you. Check there again

Grealish comes out with shite like that and you have the TFK cognoscenti coming out to have a go at Coppinger. Where do you go with that?


Tonight’s the night for Bailey. Let’s see if she gets unseated again

Any news art?

I’d say it’ll be a lot later before we know

Most of them are casually racist whereas their misogony is much more deeprooted, mother issues I’d say

Meeting put back. Decision by end of month apparently.

Bailey will run as an independent if she’s deselected :smiley:

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That comment doesn’t even make any sense - it’s a piss poor effort at more flippancy which isn’t even grammatically correct - you made the attempt at flippancy because you can’t answer the question seriously

I’m just wondering, what, in your view, is the appropriate time period in which to object to racist comments after they’re made, in a situation in which another person is present when such comments are made?

Straight away, ie, less than five seconds?

One minute?

An hour?

A day?

A week?

A month?

A year?

Multiple years?

Or - and your comments here imply this is the one you believe - never?


Morning Ireland reporting Grealish’s racist comments this morning, is it safe for Coppinger to comment now? Should she not be allowed comment earlier because she’s a woman or what’s the story?

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Even Mattie McGrath doesn’t come out with that shite & he’s a pig in shit ignoramus.

I havent followed this story — but is it true that Grealish name checked 5/6 countries but Nigeria was the only one reported / screamed about?

Who did you hear screaming?


Can you answer the question?

You can hear “screaming” on the internet but you can’t look up a basic news report?

As I thought … Continue on there with your screeching.