Ireland politics (Part 1)

It seemed like the reaction that occurred to Grealish’s comments yesterday when Nigeria was singled out by a few, so I followed suit.

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You do. You keep using words like screaming and typing in caps lock. No one else is doing that. You’ve been rightly triggered.

I’m merely letting you look in the mirror at your shithousery and complete over reaction to a non-story.

What was my overreaction?

Nigerian Prince scams


You called Mr Grealish a racist - you got all uppity and accused poor @farmerinthecity of being a misogynist because he rightly called you r hero Coppinger out for being a cunt. … they are the words of someone who is triggered.

No, none of that happened, you’re either making it up on purpose or you can’t understand very simple posts because you’re so triggered and outraged. You need to calm down and clear your mind before you post any further on this topic, you’re completely emotional and irrational at the moment.

You can keep repeating that - it wont make it any more true … you’re doing a great dance here and running away from the main story… I urge you to rethink your comments here and apologize to mr Grealish for your complete over reaction.

thats so 1999

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Mr Grealish was being racist to English people too mate

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You’ve missed the point pal. I merely observed that the reactions from TFK posters were, in my opinion, unusual and misplaced. Go and have a walk and a coffee and come back to it maybe.

You were triggered pal … the audit trail is there for all. I’m glad you’re calming down after I gave you a bit of schooling


Has anyone in the media attempted to address the figures presented by Grealish?

I believe the Grealisg was using world bank figures and the figure the world bank has for money transferred for ireland to Nigeria would work out at 40,000 for each Nigerian man, woman and child in Ireland. It also has Ireland as the country with highest money transferred to Nigeria in europe. Based on that you would have to ask questions?

However Paschal was on this morning and was disputing the world bank figures and was using CSO figures which was considerably less.


Oh Mike … you’re innocence is almost adorable.

What have figures got to do with anything here? - this about standing up to racism.

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His figures must be correct then?

Yes, his figures are bang on. All Nigerians = Criminals.

What is all this shite about timelines for having outcry about racism?

It was a stupid comment undoubtedly by Grealish. Does it mean he is a racist? No.

But Coppinger was only too happy when the comment was made so she could jump on her high horse and shout from the pulpit about racism so that it gives her some sense of superiority in her life. The same person could be at home beating her husband for all we know.

Look at @Sidney on here. Reams and reams of stuff about how the right is terrible and how him, being on the left, is morally great. Yet the very fact that he is so judgemental in his comments, and happily has everyone’s head wrecked with the amount of them, shows to me that his left ideals make him nothing like morally great.

He will probably reply now with a big speel about how I am influenced by blah blah blah and I shant be responding as I am more than happy with my own outlook on life, including the need to call out the ‘moralistic left’ every now and then.


You’ve now resorted to repeating what I’ve said to you back at me, the so called I know you are but what am I defence. It’s sad to see you reduced to this over something so trivial.