Ireland politics (Part 1)

A bit like you asking me who’s screaming and then telling me I sound angry … Look, just admit you over reacted and got ahead of yourself and just move on.

Would you not just answer the question instead of running away from it?

What is an appropriate time period after racist comments for them to be called out?

You should take a look at the rest of your post and see what it says about you - a sad, cautionary tale of a formerly, young, idealistic man turning into a miserable, I’m alright Jack, Brexiteer type casually racist piece of gammon

The pathetic thing is you genuinely seem to glory in it and think you’re taking some interesting, contrarian line when you’ve become as cliched as it gets

Women like Coppinger clearly rile you up no end, primarily because they are women

Hillary Clinton is another good litmus test for exposing people’s misogynism - all the dirty old creeps hate her

Charlie Flanagan getting all hot and bothered on pat kenny when he was asked why the gardai did nothing until the kidnapping of kevin lunney. He is now time wasting by waffling on and on.

I don’t know, it was your shite. You started the shite. Here’s your first weigh in.

Back to the, it was a stupid comment but he’s not a racist defence. Why is he not a racist? It was a racist comment. He’s targeted Africans and refugees with negative comments before. It very much looks like the big fat fuck is a racist.

But you defend him and attack coppinger. What a bizarre reaction.

What the absolute fuck you stupid fucking fool :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


@farmerinthecity’s evolution into a UKIP type character over the last few years has been fascinating to watch

Tell someone who cares, you woman.

Oooh, articulate

More of the same. Godhelpus. I’ll put it down to sleep deprivation and leave it at that.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Grealish’s racism is enabled by Fine Gael and Fianna Fail

Racists are always enabled by “mainstream” conservatives who like to throw bones to the far right

Look at Varadkar last week


I’m glad to see you’re mortified after your complete over reaction and are sheepishly trying to move away from it. A wise move.

Spot on.

The smug, self-satisfied head on Grealish when he sat back down infuriated me. The racist cunt.

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He knew the racist gombeen set on TFK would have his back

The same question was asked before back on 2011 but it wasn’t racist then or is it racist because of the person who asked the question?

Those were different times mate - Lads weren’t woke then so you cant hold it to the same standards as today.


A few lads here are taking this exact approach

They shouldn’t think that people aren’t aware of exaactly what they’re doing

It was

I wonder if the Grealish family ever received remittances from abroad

I wonder did any Irish families ever receive remittances from abroad

I wonder what people’s objection to remittances is, apart from using remittances as an avenue to make obvious racist dog whistling

I wonder did Grealish object to the €545m that flowed from Nigeria to Ireland last year

They’re called Irish exports

Did he fook object to them

We were a less racist country then. We are worse than the Aussies now, keeping up with the likes of Grealish and his sympathisers

I’m coming around to my good friend @anon7035031’s view that the Irish are a shower of racist cunts