Ireland politics (Part 1)

Grealish claimed more than expenses than anything sent to Nigeria. If anything his racist outcurst was a calculated diversion tactic so the right wing fanatics would rally round him and his expenses scandal would be forgotten. He has hit home with his target audience, easy to tell from the comments here

Grealish will likely top the poll in Galway West next time

People won’t flock to vote for him despite the racism, they’ll vote for him precisely because of the racism

I went down to the Galway West count at the February 2016 election and bumped into a lad I knew

I said what brings you down here, he said he was involved with the Grealish camp

Two and a half years later he was on my Facebook spouting cliched racist shite about Travellers and immigrants and telling me what a great fella Peter Casey is

There is a huge untapped market in Ireland for US confederate type candidates

An awful lot of people hold incredibly ignorant and backward views and revel in them

These are people who do not read books

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Good article here. @farmerinthecity should have a read of it.

The trouble with saying ‘I’m not right wing or racist but . . .’ (via @IrishTimes)

There is something more than a little unsettling about meekly accepting a narrative that, at face value, would seem to share a lot of common ground with Ireland’s ragtag assortment of racists, bigots and far-right extremists.

Protestors tell us at great length how they are anything but racist or right wing. And we give them plenty of room to explain that they have no objection to poor foreigners of colour and of different religion coming to live in their mostly white towns. It is as if we need to believe; that it’s an article of faith that Irish people are congenitally incapable of racism. To suggest otherwise cuts across the treasured image we have manufactured of ourselves as a tolerant people whose enlightened attitude to foreigners is informed by our own complex past of subjection and emigration.

Do you think Ireland has a serious racist / right wing issue?

Its mad and sad just how racist we have got and how quickly. In Eamonn Dunphys famous Kip rant he lists all the things that are wrong and calls for a state of emergency he starts off by saying one of the few great things was how little racism there is in this country. That was just 2 years ago. If we’ve learned anything since its when the likes of Grealish go dog whistling he will have a large willing audience more than ready to lap up his every word.

Oh I should, should I?

Not very left leaning trying to impose opinions on people is it?

And what’s happening in Irish society that’s leading people down this path?


Are you for real?

People like you are being exposed

Lot of fellas being triggered here today.

Ok - so you’ve actually no point here at all.

Yes I made it see above

Dunphy bad, Grealish Great, we get it

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Mate, are you still doing stuff with travellers, in terms helping kids with homework etc?

What are you on about? Who said anything about what’s left leaning? I suggested you read the article as it would be a good article for you to inform yourself. It seems that you would prefer to be a complete ignoramus.

I havent in a while bro — I’ll be off the radar for a few years what with my own scally-wag taking up any free time

Suggesting someone read something now is ‘imposing your opinion’ :rofl::rofl:. Can he not read it and maybe make up his own mind on it maybe?

It appears not.

Here’s the big mental jump from you. You decided it was because she is a woman. Not him. I’d imagine if it were Richard Boyd Barrett the response from @farmerinthecity would have been the same.
It’s very patronising attitude you have towards women that you couldn’t look past her sex to find a fault.
And then you dragged in Hilary Clinton for some reason… can’t imagine why…


A weak mind then if that easily imposed upon you would have to conclude