Ireland politics (Part 1)

Ah there you go again with the jokes. Ye Funny fucker.

You sound very anxious, are you on some sort of medication?

Are you?

Would you consider going on some medication?

what would you?

Christ @Rocko please ban @myboyblue and @tazdedub for a week. They need to have a long hard look at themselves.

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Fuck sake, another reply and I’d have had him typing “I know I am but what are you”.

I’d agree in principle with Ross here but, as @Julio_Geordio pointed out, the speed limits themselves need to be correct before rolling this out.

Also, maybe a percentage rather than an actual raw number of an increase might make more sense. 20kph over the limit on an empty motorway in the middle of the night and 20kph over the limit on the quays in Dublin are very different things

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But the speed limit on the Quays is ridiculous as well

Very true. You’d overtake yokes on a bike in there if you were enough of a bollocks to be a cyclist

On the speed limit thing I think we could do with some variable speed limits around as well. Speed limit on the M50 should be the 120 in the middle of the night, but should probably be only 80 in the height of traffic. I read somewhere they’ve done a study and traffic would actually move faster on the m50 if everyone was doing 60km at high traffic as there wouldn’t be so much speeding and breaking.
Also I’ve no issue with schools having a 30km zone around them but if it’s one of these rural schools with fuck all else around it, then it should only be operational in school hours and and say an hour either side, and not at all in the summer then.


They’d be reasonable proposals is there was a reasonable system in place like you suggest. 2k is still a major jump, 500 would do fine along with 500 for driving with a phone

It’s grand sure, you could just not pay the fine like most people

A proportionality of fine would probably be fairer all right, linked to income like they do in Sweden

€2k could break someone on the bread line


Or just register the car in a bogey name and or misspelled address,nothing stopping you.

In Canada (here he goes again) the fines are quietly attached to your licence. You can pay or appeal at the time but if you don’t pay you can’t renew your licence in four years time or whatever unless you pay the fines owing on it first. Doesn’t go near the courts.

Sure how would the lawyers make money then?

I don’t think AGS bother their holes policing the M50.

ive seen a few lads pulled over by unmarked cars of late. but there needs to be rolling patrols of the M50 with a zero tolerance policy regarding BMW drivers

CC @flattythehurdler

At rush hour or during quieter times? Tbh I haven’t driven at rush hour on it in a long time and really don’t drive that much at all on it these days.

I imagine these days that it is total gridlock.

the times ive seen it is between 11am and 3 pm, and in the evenings.