Ireland politics (Part 1)

Well itā€™s a global trend, more or less. Ireland has a huge shortage of a certain type of home, weā€™re decades behind some places because of our family dynamics. It didnā€™t help that when we started to change things the arse fell out of the market. And not just the market, but we decided to destroy the entire industry. As soon as stuff like co living is suggested though some people go ape.

Herbert Simms could built thousands of homes in Dublin because there was lots of slums that people were only too happy to clear. Then there was far cheaper labour and regulation. NIMBYism hadnā€™t become a widespread past time. Where is the skilled labour to set up a government agency? Are you in favour of large social housing estates even, would you be of the school that believes that everyone has just got it wrong globally.

Outside investors provide overseas capital into the Irish market when banks wonā€™t lend. These ā€œoutsideā€ investors are often pension funds, like the ones we invest in.

I do think that mortgage rules should be relaxed for individuals but that wonā€™t stop BTRs.

Social housing estates doesnt have to be a negative - you can have social housing for middle and higher income earners also - weā€™re at a time where we have top planners, engineers, and they can be made environmentally friendly ā€” give over this HAP shite and fund local authorities.

Thereā€™s no one quick fix, but that doesnt mean you do fuck all. Get the ball rolling ta fuck.

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So you want the same housing for all?

HAP is messy but necessary. Itā€™s funny how the left go on about it being welfare for businesses/landlords and silly economics. Most of the programmes they support do just that.

There is a cabal who want another go at social housing.

Farmers are back at Shelbourne. Gardai seem more on top of it. Cranes putting in road dividers

id prefer if theyd put in these

They should run convoys both ways on the m50 during rush hour to really get noticed.

Let me just get this straight now Tim - has the government has stopped building social housing or what? Where are all the poor people going to live? Could this have anything at all to do with the homelessness problem?

Sex Workers Ireland have had to move their protest due to the farmers protest.

Might have been a few embarrassed farmers there I would think.

A 3rd (third) protest is outside the Ivy. Unions re tips.

Dublin is like Paris these days.

And what slow down traffic? How would anyone even know?


The farmers never miss a trick, Iā€™m away off to the protest love wonā€™t be back till late

Iā€™m not sure how people can live on the Southside

Why canā€™t these muldoon fucks accept that their business isnā€™t profitable any more and move on?

Did tape cassette and Space Hopper manufacturers try to bring the capital to a halt when they realised there wasnā€™t any money in what they were selling?


Man cannot live on tape cassette alone

Iā€™d say 80% of accountancy jobs have a life span of less than a decade, weā€™ll see what your Chartered Accountancy Ireland is made of then.

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Sure if they get a price increase for their product youā€™d worry for their young 'uns college grant application. For their sake we should keep prices down.

If the college grant application is coming up you just buy an expensive piece of machinery in the run up and the job is oxo

Iā€™m nearly finished a little project that will automate a 2 hour manual auditing task. My latest test shows the robot completing it in less than a minute.

ā€¦and use it to go up to Dublin in shctyle to disrupt real hard working people.

To be fair Iā€™m not sure itā€™ll be much of a time saver in reality when auditors donā€™t actually do anything, and your firm wouldnā€™t get much business if you had a machine that actually did it properly.