Ireland politics (Part 1)

They’ll need to hold off and see how other countries do it — isnt that the tactic from the off here?

How would this be done abroad, ie non typical Irish governemnt types?

Yep. Teachersare special and have to be 100% safe in their place of employment. The rest of us can pick up the slack as our safety doesn’t matter as much.


There will be a green list of schools. Something to do with a substantial meal. They’ll advise against schools but keep them open. And there’ll be some arbitrary distance limit


Thats part of it but they can’t justify that now, start claiming they may not be able to open now, get liveline hopping, peddle more fear, get breda and mary scared on fb, announce in August schools won’t reopening till mid October as they wait and see how the rest of Europe copes

Teachers have a broad spectrum of opinion i assume on this, some who think its grand drive on and the other end of people screaming they will be killed if in a room with 20 super spreaders. Regardless ASTI and TUI will be claiming its a death sentence and their members are entitled to a pay rise and hazard pay

I think it’s more that this will be the one and only workplace where they are going to say that social distancing won’t take place indoors. Still should be opening but it does make schools different.

You’ve lost it. Take a few days off and go to Kerry. You need it.

The Guardian has skinny dipping pictures :face_with_monocle:

I noticed last night that Daniel McConnell was live tweeting what was being discussed at the FF parliamentary party meeting. One of his tweets was something like…Micheál Martin warns that leaks to the media won’t be tolerated and need to stop immediately #FFmeeting



Shouldn’t Martin be quarantining after returning from Brussels?

He came home via Gibraltar

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What’s the story with this? I thought she was a dyed in the wool green and now she’s leaving because she doesn’t agree with a few things? She’s trying to change the world overnight, has a feel of student union politics about this but she’s in the big leagues now.

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She has principles so politics just isn’t for her.

She’s throwing the toys out of the pram.

This will be an awkward tweet if she tries to run again ever

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Odd on the day the just transition wing was established that she left

She was a green party member that thought the climate could wait 5 years. Some principles

tenor (21)