Ireland politics (Part 1)

Marc MacSharry must read this forum - calling out public servant wasters sitting on couches watching box sets

Just in time for the Dail holiday break next week too

They just got a lot silenter :grin:

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Silence of the shams!


Fucking clowns :smile: :smile:

Reading about lads watching box sets and calling research is a lot worse.

Vincent Browne getting a few kicks at Fine Gael. They are under attack from everywhere.


What’s a howya?

A female howya

Somebody who might wear pyjamas to a retail outlet and consider it a reasonable choice of attire in all the circumstances.

A male howya

An inquisitive sort. What’s the story? What’s up bud? What’s your problem? Do you want your head smashed in?

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He seems to think the only ones on the PUP are working class people from Dublin

Would many of them be getting the pandemic payment? It’s largely only pub and arts/entertainment still on it.

They’d be consumers of said industries rather than actively and gainfully engaged in them.

Bizarre… The right wing rural set here lump anyone receiving a welfare payment in to a group to be despised.

So @maroonandwhite is way off the mark?

And them pocketing grant cheques to keep
land idle.

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I’m just the ideas guy.

Scarleh for @maroonandwhite

There should be a distinction between dolers and workers receiving it alright Re travelling, but now that people can go to San Marino twitter has won again. While the real purpose of the measures sails through. So easy to create a bit of diversion with the woke warriors.

Ah stop … the real issue here is half arsed leadership and then using the state police in a manner akin to soviet Russia.

I think everyone is in agreement that long term unemployed shouldn’t really be able to go on a two week bender in the sun … and I doubt many do. However, I dont think they should be stopped leaving the country either.

People on PUP are in a different boat - and while movement should be restricted currently, they certainly shouldnt have their payment taken off them for visiting loved ones or attending an occasion like a wedding that might have been booked two years ago.

The thoughts of the police questioning people at airports about where they are going is maddening and frightening. We’re not stopping anyone coming in but quizzing our own going out ???


Yeah nobody is being stopped leaving the country mate. I know you kinda need that to be the case for your little rant to make sense but it just isn’t.

Basic border control is maddening and frightening?