Ireland politics (Part 1)

I dont think I said they were being stopped? - but itā€™s great to see you approving Garda resources being used for Robespierrean esque tactics instead of out tackling proper crime ā€¦ And shur, if you tolerate the first step whatā€™s to stop them doing the other? -As long as we snag a few people on the dole going on holiday it will all be worth it tho - like that time Leo spent 300k on a Welfare cheat campaign that saved the state 35k ā€” we showed em that time too didnt we pal?

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Welfare cheats are criminals. So you want the police to tackle proper crimeā€¦but not that though.

You literally said I donā€™t think they should be stopped leaving the country. They arenā€™t being stopped.

The threat of taking away their payment is a deterrent ā€¦ surely youre smart enough to join a few dots

@Lazarus where do you stand as a bar owner on PUP now? Youā€™re allowed to travel to Estonia for a break, but you must be genuinely seeking another job for the next 12 days before the job the government is currently preventing you from resuming may or may not resume, but theyā€™ll let you know a few days before August 10? Seems clear enough.


No no you said being stopped. Which isnā€™t the case at all. Glad weā€™ve cleared that up and I could educate you a little.

make them wear a badge

Windmilling - thatā€™s all youā€™ve got bro.

You refuse to condemn FFG in any way, shape or form.

I wish you well.

No need, dolers no payment, puppies enjoy your time in Finland

Like your balanced position towards SF? Loads of flaws but at least FFG are trying to run a country. As limerick deputy ROD showed, all SF wanted was the payday and to sit in perennial opposition. They must be terrified about their LĆ” tiocfaidhing

Iā€™ve cut the back off SF loads of times - and am on record as saying Mary - Lou isnt up to standard ā€¦ anyway, i no longer support party politics in any guise - the last month has perfectly shown how outdated and flawed it is.

Whatā€™s a better system, and where has it been shown to work?

We can create one?

Theoretically great. Realistically impossible. Gotta live in the real world Iā€™m afraid.

The real world ? As in continue to abide by a system that has failed us time and again?

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It would be foolish to abandon politics when we are so close to getting it right

As long as you have people looking to make a career out of politics it will never work.

Can we not just ban schoolteachers and civil servants from seeking election?


No system is perfect but itā€™s the most workable. Unless you can show me one that works better?

Show you? It must be awful to be so narrow in your views that you need to be sat down and shown something all the timeā€¦

The world is largely wedded to a 19th century form of politics because it has always served elite purposes - thereā€™s been no major will to change it because it always serves the top down.

That doesnt mean a new way of doing things isnt possibleā€¦ We can actually create a new system together if the will is there pal. Like every great advancement ever, It has to begin outside politics - by average people pushing for it. I welcome you coming on board and figuring this out together.

No I need to be shown that something has a chance of working, not just a desire for CHANGE without any specifics on what that might involve. Yes a lot of reform has been brought about by civil unrest, trade unionism, rural agitation etc. But that was people in dire situations struggling to better their lives. Howyas annoyed they canā€™t go to Santa ponsa for free donā€™t have the same foundation of righteousness. The working class and the doling class need to be separated. The working class, those struggling on low paying or minimum wage jobs can give a clear indication of where society is falling down, affordable housing and childcare, unfair work life balance etc. The doling class who hide behind the moniker of working class despite refusing to work need to be told to get a job and contribute. Then theyā€™ll be listened to.