Ireland politics (Part 1)

I disagree. If Leo was just in buying a pair of shoes for himself fine. But he wasn’t. It was a photo op so he is fair game.

If Simon was photographed without permission and people started commenting on it, that would be all sorts of wrong. But he tweeted a photo of himself and his daughter for a bit of cheap PR.


Fair game for … buying shoes ?

Who knew that there’d be an audience who’d lap up shite like that from Cullinane above - it’s people like you. Fucking hell.

so here is Mary Lou putting up a picture of her getting her hair done. Is it a photo op? Or just someone putting up a picture of her going about her daily business. Is it her promoting her friends haridressers? Who cares really, its her just posting something non political on her twitter feed.

So does she deserve the abuse she is getting in the comments for it?


Twitter is a cesspit


If thats the best SF can do, jesus you’d wonder all the same the shit for brains some of these lads have.


Classic victim blaming

This is a PR clip from Mary Lou and therefore is fair game for satire, criticism etc. Someone taking a photo of her at a match with her son and slagging her off was wrong. I’m genuinely surprised people can’t tell the difference


They can when it suits them but play the victim card when it doesn’t.

Were people not taking the piss out of Leo when he had his top off in Phoenix Park and was photographed against his will?

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Do you bring a photographer with you when you’re buying shoes? Do you then post a photo of it on social media platforms. This is PR and should be treated as such

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That’s the way it’s gone these days. I doubt he brought a photographer. Rather a lad with a phone took a photo.

Correct. Leo was only moani g about online bullies in the Dail last week

Yes any politician using their children for political capital deserves all the abuse they can get

Actually no kids there on 2nd look. Well done Mary Lou


Was she slagged off on Twitter for this or where?

I honestly can’t remember it. Gman mentioned it.

Here - by all means have a cut of Leo for his policies or if he drops the ball on an issue but criticising him for a photo of buying shoes is forced outrage and Cullinane is rightfully being called out for being a bit of a simpleton.

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Why did he bring a photographer with him to buy shoes?


Because John Concannon told him to


To encourage people to start spending to help businesses?

Was the photo from a photographer or from a journalist?

Either way, he was at an event as Minister for Business, trying to promote schemes to support business and to encourage people to get out and support local businesses. Having a photographer would be standard enough to raise publicity for these schemes.

Do you think that all publicity for politicians is bad? Do you criticise SF politicians every time they court a photo just for courting a photo?

Cullinane criticised him for buying shoes don’t forget - not on the policies he was promoting at the event …