Ireland politics (Part 1)

Fellas still hiding under the bed thinking these guys actually give a fuck about you or your great granny

Varadkar spin doctor John Concannon repeatedly broke lockdown travelling from Galway to Dublin

Mr Concannon was front and centre in sending out the message that no one was to travel



Ferghal Blaney

  • 08:00, 13 JUN 2020
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Cullinane could do with taking Leo next time he goes shoe shopping


If he got a pair of black shoes, ā€œfashion shoesā€ as he calls them then heā€™d own a set of Black and Tans.

So he wasnā€™t going about his normal business then. This discussion started when @Gman bemoaned the fact that politicians couldnā€™t go about their everyday business without getting criticised.

Promoting local businesses a few days after closing down thousands of local businesses in the Midlands is going to lead to some negative commentary. Surely thatā€™s not surprising or out of order.

I heard some of the things that went on in that house party in Farmleigh were disgusting. Cleaver Greene wouldnā€™t defend them if it made court

No - the discussion started when I posted David Cullinaneā€™s stupid tweet.

Your second point is actually even more inane. Promote businesses after a lockdown and thereā€™s bound to be negative commentary you argue. I suppose if he didnā€™t promote businesses after a lockdown thereā€™d be negative commentary too from the usual suspects (clue: people like you). Either way its criticism which notably doesnā€™t address the substance of the policy being promoted - its just criticism for criticism sake. Bizarre angry ranting.

I suppose in your defence - youā€™re just an angry lad with a keyboard and a right-on avatar - one more social media warrior fighting the man. That an elected TD tried to stir up that outrage though was pitiful.


Pitiful but exactly the intention, stir people up by convincing them the gubbermint are screwing them, get elected again and hey presto pension for life. Cullinane and other SF TDs are exactly where they want, no responsibility, no decisions to stand over just have to take potshots at others to keep the morons outraged.

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The differences as I see them are:

McDonald tweeted a selfie whereas Varadkar had an audience of journalists for trying on shoes.

His soft, stage managed, press briefings / photo calls have been a feature of his leadership.

Many people see them as self promotion rather than promoting businesses etc.

Maybe more so as things evolve and peopleā€™s circumstances become more challenging and it dawns on them that Varadkar is a despicable, vacuous, duplicitous cunt, one of the biggest scumbags to ever set foot in Ireland, and heā€™s playing them.

Obviously there are still a few slow learner ā€œgreat to see Leo on the news in the shop with the maskā€ types on here struggling to join the dots. And youā€™ll always have the hardcore, far right, blueshirt support to circle the wagons so these things cause a little bit of friction.

In conclusion, fuck FFG.


Heā€™s the communications expert on the crisis team and he travelled for work. What a bullshit story.


Did he buy the shoes?

Outstanding post

No he wasnt. Thereā€™s no such ministry

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tenor (45)

@glenshane , lady bird it there for me please

The general point being that no matter what they do, they just get abuse. My original point being that any sort of personalized abuse is wrong, no matter who they are or what party they are, and being in politics is a horrible profession to be in considering the shit politicians take on a daily basis, whether working or not. It isnā€™t a party orientated view, just a view on politics generally.


I see Simon Harris is letting his inner Enda out and telling a yarn.

Why are you asking a nordie to explain anything to you? Youā€™ll have to get someone else to translate nordie into normal

By the looks of some of the posts heā€™ll probably make more sense than a lot of them .

Was he shouting ā€œup the Raaā€ under his mask as he was trying them on?

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Minister for business? You clown.

Leo is a media whore The epitome of style over substance. He is also a well paid bully who demonizes less well off people whenever he gets a chance. Yet when he gets a bit of stick back hysterical little Blueshirts like yourself get mortally offended on his behalf. Fuck Leo and fuck you too.

A right on avatar? Have a closer look you fucking dope.