Ireland politics (Part 1)

Lads be bitchin’ about shoes I think? Leo the lion leads his flock and shows them that he shan’t be cowed into not buying a lovely pair of pumps. True heroism.

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A few lads getting a bit tetchy over a pair of shoes.


Same lads were cheer leading Mary Lou’s tour of the provinces. It’s almost as if their personal political beliefs makes them less than impartial observers.

It’s all theatre from all parties

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He might meet a man with two pints in his hands yet. And then use it as anecdote for poor compliance with restrictions

Seems David “took it down from the mast”

David seems as if he wouldn’t be much use in a crisis.

I wouldn’t fancy him in a battle if truth told .

Oh he’d shoot his own in the back as soon as anything you’d imagine

Fashion shoes! I didn’t know there was such a thing.


You had the usual suspects steaming in here to bat for him, claiming it was a reasonable tweet and fair game and windmilling all over the place then Cullinane undermines the lot of them :laughing:


The point was made. A bruiser for Leo and his army of gold plated spin merchants who had no idea the public mood had shifted so much because they live in their own little media bubble. Let that be a warning to them.

The last 20 or so posts here perfectly show why politics as we know it is beyond done … pathetic shite.

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Sweep sweep

FFGs fleet of gold plated spin merchants can’t handle some crank on twitter it would appear

Lift the rug good and high there

A fella posting under the psydeunym “Pee O’Neill” who breaks down and confesses when challenged as well as an elected TD caught red handed trolling in an internet cafe in Rathmines :smile:

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Shinnerbot caught being shinnerbot immediately disowned. He’ll be nominated for mayor soon.


It should be like xfactor phone ins. All micro decisions decided by popular vote, no need for government then.

Should we be in lockdown? Text yes or no to 1800632632. Texts cost 1 euro 95.

The cost of the text can double as tax.

Good to see SF clamping down on punishment tweetings.