Ireland politics (Part 1)

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Just out of curiosity I note that on every - EVERY - occasion she appears on mainstream television, Minister Norma Foley is wearing what looks like a pearl necklace around her neck. Now Iā€™m not an expert on these matters, it may not be a pearl thingy, but in the name of Christ she must surely have a couple of other chokie type yokes.

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That is the style nowadays

He posted an article this evening that was basically the minutes of the meeting then :joy:

Heā€™s some neck to still be live tweeting them after outing Byrne as his mole

Did he?


How does that out Byrne? Couldnā€™t it be anyone told him what those two said? Maybe Iā€™m missing something.

The context at the time indicated strongly it was Byrne.
He deleted the tweet soon after.

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Byrneā€™s driver confirmed it was Byrne

Interesting. Wouldnā€™t be like Byrneā€¦

Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s more than one mole

Thereā€™s definitely loads of rats in Fianna FĆ”il.

Itā€™s just non-stop controversy - one after another in a never ending loop. Itā€™s ridiculous.

The country is being run by people who do as they please.

Watching The Tonight Show and I find it very hard to believe that McEntee made that appointment on her own after three weeks in the Justice job.

Woulfe was obviously given the Supreme Court gig as a cushy reward for his time as AG.

100%. The reason FF donā€™t have a problem with it is they wanted their man Gallagher as AG for the quid pro quo. It stinks. I reckon Helen is innocent in all this, sheā€™s just part of the process sheā€™s so fond of relying on as a get out.
If you want a senior ministry you have take some bullets for the team.

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There is a sort of unwritten rule that an outgoing Attorney General gets the next available senior judicial appointment. That happened to be a fairly big one as Peter Kelly retired as President of the High Court in June when he turned 70. Mary Irvine moved from the Supreme Court to become President of the High Court, creating a vacancy there.

Woulfie I believe is only the third instance in the history of the State of a member of the judiciary having his first judicial appointment in the Supreme Court. Part of his problem is heā€™s seen as a lightweight on legal circles compared to the two previous such appointees who were serious heavyweights.


To use a Meath football parlance it looks like Helen took a bit of a hospital pass here .


Always thought of her as a dark horse for a potential future leader as she gives me the impression that behind the soft spoken, modest character, there was a good bit of steel about her. As was said its blatantly obvious that she did what she was told on this one and if not careful could end up being a sacrificial lamb. If this whole golfgate thing hadnā€™t blown wide open, there wouldnā€™t be a whimper about this shite

Iā€™m absolutely outraged by this thing with the judge. Furious. People must resign.

Her main talent appears to be looking forlornly into the distance.