Ireland politics (Part 1)

She’s a fuckin nodding donkey,yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir.Can I have my ministerial job now.


The TFK misogyny crew are up and at em early this morning.

In light of these revelations, of which I now realise I was already aware, I’m demanding the government fall on its sword

Objection overruled. It’s fair to question the merits of a lady who had no interest in politics until her dad died and she got the family seat. Only 8 years later she’s the Minister for Justice. That rise is nothing short of meteoric.

And not doing anything in those 8 years except standing in the background or hold umbrellas when Varadkar or Coveney were making some statement on Brexit.


Nice to see the hypocrisy crew have joined them


BOOM headshot.

Overruled. McAbsEntee is a great shout. You can laugh at the cleverness without rowing in behind the Italian Irish border chipper shoulder chipped conspiracy theorist.

The on field ruling has been overruled and the initial charge of hypocrisy and misogyny stands due to glad characterising any criticism or laughing at a woman as misogyny

Should have appointed Big Jim as Minister for Justice.

appointing mcentee for MOJ when big jim is in the shadows is as bad as oh i dont knw, appointing a lad to the supreme court who had never served on the bench ahead of a serving judge of the Court of Appeal

Mary Lou will have to go.

The government must have been saving this for a rainy a day. They must be really worried about the McEntee woulfe shite.

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Did the Government send the email?

The email must have been in the public domain for around 5 months. Why is it only being reported on now?


Desperation at this stage, don’t get the angle

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So any negative story about Sinn Fein is not allowed now.


The six county party has William Hampton’s money which was bequeathed to “the party that calls itself Sinn Fein in the Republic of Ireland” so the 26th county party shouldn’t need to subvent the six county party. Poor transfer pricing.

SF are an All Ireland party.

Partitionists just wouldn’t understand.