Ireland politics (Part 1)

Have they not said the two parts of the party are funded separately?

They are a party that runs in both the O6 and 26 with the aim of uniting both states. The Free State establishment parties seem to have honed in on a dead man’s will as they line Larry Goodman with a 10m overpayment.



You haven’t answered the question.

I don’t answer loaded questions.

another media outlet that hasnt actually read the will, or followed the full story

Do you accept that sinn féin operates on a 6 and 26 county basis for funding?

They are bound by the regulations of the states that they intend to dismantle unfortunately.

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Alan Kelly fairly ripped into Meehawl there

Ballymagash :smile:


Martin is consistently getting called out on smugly grinning as someone tries to hold them to account and acting like a startled rabbit when it’s commented on.

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Martin getting slaughtered from all angles. Just bring McEntee in to answer the questions. If there is nothing wrong with the appointment then she will be able to answer the questions and put an end to this.

I dont care about Seamus Wolfe but the Dail is supposed to be the national debating chamber. Ridiculous behaviour.

He’s a spineless Cork coward.

But @backinatracksuit reckons he’s lovely. :rollseyes:

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It must be tough going for FFer’s watching their party leader defend 2 FG Ministers now and when it came to their own Minister, Martin sacked him because he wouldn’t answer questions in the Dáil.


Martin will forever be known as the spineless egomaniac who finished his political party to sate his lust for power.


You lie down with dogs you get fleas

he should get some credit for finally killing off FF, whatever the motivation

Kelly channelling his inner Michael Quinlivan in making a Martin look helpless for the second time in 2 days.

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