Ireland politics (Part 1)

Yes. Trying to figure out what the rationale is for this. Obviously there are items agreed in the PFG which we disagree with such as funding the IGB that we vote for but one would assume this isnā€™t part of the PFG

Once I get a rationale ill dissect it and share


Good man.

SF IRA donā€™t pay the student nurses in NI
Iā€™d imagine itā€™s the same the world over.

They donā€™t get paid as students and get paid when they become interns. In Republic of Ireland during first wave of Covid their studies were suspended and they were paid as HCAs.

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Why would you imagine itā€™s the same the world over, other than it suits your narrative?



The UK and the world famous NHS donā€™t pay them.

In Ireland they get paid in 4th year as interns. They were never paid before this but got a very small allowance and accommodation allowance.

Howeve pre Covid they could work part time as HSAs outside of studies. Because of Covid that was not encouraged/allowed.

When their studies were suspended as part of first wave they were paid as HSAs.

If you pay student nurses there is a knock on effect throughout entire public sector.

But you can pay an unelected TD to be a ā€œsuperā€ junior.


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They were paid here too during that time. Studies suspended so they worked as HSAs and were paid.

are you saying that they havent gone back on the frontline during the 2nd wave?

The story you referenced was final year students. They are paid in Ireland as interns.

Thatā€™s an awful lot of lies to caught out on in one morning.

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Ireland already paid final year students as interns

Iā€™m genuinely annoyed about this because itā€™s just such a blatant lie. I remember the initial promise to pay the student nurses very well. You can talk about Northern Ireland all you want but the fact is Simon Harris promised that the student nurses would be paid and now heā€™s broken that promise.

Thereā€™s a big disconnect this morning from the MSM, how havenā€™t even mentioned the vote on the morning radio, and what I see this morning on Twitter, which has basically exploded. That FFG and @TheUlteriorMotive are already playing the ā€œLook At Northern Ireland!ā€ card honestly makes me feel like the entire main stream political narrative in this country is a pantomime to fool the working man at the expense of the political and media elite. Itā€™s not about Northern Ireland itā€™s about integrity. Its about honesty, decency and betrayal.


Heā€™ll be putting up that chessboard picture in a minute.


Why would anyone expect Simon Harris to keep his word or be consistent?

They were paid in first wave as HCAs. Once their studies resumed that was cut except for final year students who are paid as interns.

Itā€™s a small amount of money but we all know itā€™s not that simple in the public sector.

Ah of course I dont, its just that he gets a free ride and is let away with it.

He plays the twitter game well. Like most modern politicians that seems to be more important than what you actually do.

Just for you. Enjoy the run in to All Ireland final day. I donā€™t engage with anybody who repeatedly called for me to banned despite him running after me. It seems to make him run harder and harder.