Ireland politics (Part 1)

how TUM sees himself


the reality

It’s like a klaxon call. Every. Time.

Can someone tell me what the chess board lark is about ???

TUM thinks hes playing 3d chess when everyone else is playing checkers

It was a bit of banter that has driven one dimensional single speed lads like @artfoley and @balbec absolutely demented.


We are lucky to have you on board.

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i couldnt give a rats. balbec is probably seething because you played a game of chess on his big square head

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Minister for gaslighting. Hes the biggest cunt going. COTY will go to the wire this year

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Who can forget his paraphrasing of Meatloaf - “We want you, we need you” in response to pulling on the green jersey and returning from abroad to work in Irelands healthcare service. How many people signed up for that and how many did they hire again. What a cod…

In this country in the last 9 months we have been well able to go on solo runs with restrictions and take a unilateral approach but when it comes to student nurses pay in a healthcare system that is drastically under resourced different standards will be adopted and other countries will be cited as a reason not to reward them for their efforts. It is abhorrent but not surprising.


The only one seething around here is you.

Ok, something along the lines that the motion in itself was ineffective & that the Government had already been working on the issue and there will be an announcement soon.

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Over 70000 people applied to volunteer. At the start of the pandemic the government got massive support from the public. People put their political opinions aside for the greater good. The likes of Leo and Harris have shown their true colours and have turned a lot more people to be increasing cynical. This is not just a ffg issue either sf have been shocking during this and probably would be as terrible imho.

Would one of Eamon Ryan’s 9 special advisors all getting paid 6 figures not have flagged this as troublesome @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Maybe he should hire a few more

In other words, a fudge.

more detail

during the first wave, student nurses transferred from clinical placements as part of their course to healthcare assistants and got paid for that.
As hospital numbers returned to normal they transferred back to their courses, never have people got paid for trainee placements & if they got paid this would be the case across the public sector. The government are looking in to paying then PUP instead


i dont think his special advisors are experts in health

Seems sensible although appalling communication from Gov on it is leaving the permanently outraged “it’s a disgrace” brigade a free run at it.

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We can increase public health doctors wages to the same as consultants wages even thought they don’t do the same jobs without “knock on effects on public sector wages” but we can’t pay student nurses because “knock on effects on public sector wages”. Apparently.

@artfoley, you and I are due a further unwinding of austerity era cutbacks soon. To be honest I’d be happy to forego it if they had to make a choice between us and the student nurses.


Even if it’s a fairly small fee I don’t agree with college students in the public sector not getting paid in general. How is that allowed?

A couple of them are county councillors so experts in nothing