Ireland politics (Part 1)

Thatā€™s the legacy of FFG.

ā€œI was canvassing.ā€ :smile:



When it was put to him that Mrs Roche had ā€œgot a frightā€ when he called to the house, Mr Galvin responded: ā€œOh, sorry if she got a fright. Would she get a fright when everyone is calling to the door? Would she get a fright if the postman called to the door?ā€


Deeply unsettling.
Fine Gael are not a normal political party


FG are intimidating old people now.


Can you imagine if that was a SFer? FG are obsessed with social media.

Sure thatā€™s exactly what the story is in response to

Not a normal party.

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Gene Kerrigan wrote a good piece today about the media coverage of Martin saying no bail out. He said if McDonald said in Dail there was 20 people at the Bobby Storey funeral all adhering to rules the story would still be a scandal today. Here however nothing was really challenged to the Taoiseach over an act that bankrupted the country

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Havenā€™t seen the article but that comparison sounds nonsense. Martinā€™s comments were idiotic but were seemingly (and Iā€™m being generous to him here) a semantic point as to what constitutes a ā€œbailoutā€. Under most peopleā€™s understanding of the term the Irish banks were ā€œbailed outā€ but if youā€™re being pedantic you can state that shareholders were wiped out, the state took over as major shareholder in the case of AIB, public appointments were made to the board, a banking levy was imposed and a pay cap was brought in for executives. Overall a good deal for the banks but not a free lunch (AIB topping up their unfunded pensions was a piss take, granted). Whereas itā€™s undeniable there were more than 20 at the funeral.

Course another semantic argument is was the Bobby Storey ā€œfuneralā€ actually a funeral given he was cremated elsewhere.

Itā€™s undeniable the banks were bailed out.

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Itā€™s undeniable they were given state money. A pedant can argue the definition of being bailed out. If I purchase shares in Tesla am I bailing out Elon Musk?

Bailed out.

A pendant can argue anything.

I find it incredulous how little traction the leader of the free state outing himself as a holocaust denier has had.

When you look at the implications of the financial crisis had on people and their lives and you have Martin trying to airbrush the reality out of it out of recent history, itā€™s an absolutely remarkable comment that he has managed to weasel his way out of without having to face any sort of questioning.

But thatā€™s the FS media for you.


You are entirely spot on there.

FG are a very dangerous political party

All the parties bar Labour voted for the bank guarantee. Martin is more culpable for the EU/IMF rescue.

The row initially rose from RBB requesting that the Irish State should be on the hook for the failure of an overseas corporation. Martin was offering ā‚¬3m towards training for the workers.

Bit disingenuous there. When the detail became clear, a lot of parties rejected it.

Yes, RBB. Did you hear Martinā€™s closing line? Thousands of jobs would migrate if RBB was in power, itā€™s the brazen arrogance of FF. Not only did thousands of jobs migrate when Martinā€™s FF collapsed the economy, hundreds of thousands of people were unemployed, lost their jobs, their homes and were forced to emigrate and many of them to never return. The state now has a housing crisis, a dysfunctional health service, huge wealth inequality and billionaires continuing to cream off the stateā€™s resources.

It was a disgraceful comment and just typifies the disconnect between people who work for a living and those who plunder the tax payer for themselves and their friends.