Ireland politics (Part 1)

Heā€™s been in plenty of the governments involved. All the same itā€™s good to see them apologising and committing to implement the report and indeed go further than the report recommends in some cases.

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If my recollection is correct, Martin preceded Woods, and personally did a lot to uncover institutional abuse and took a much firmer line against the church. He was then shuffled out and woods put in to do the nice handy deal with the church absolving them of much responsibility.

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they still havent paid up on woods sweetheart deal

the proof of the pudding would be that martin, and the state, goes after the Orders for every single cent owed plus interest at court rates (8% per annum) and until such time as its paid all privileges will be withdrawn e.g. charitable status and proceedings began

Iā€™d love to see thatā€¦

just wait til im minister for justice and retribution!


No, they havenā€™t. Theyā€™re utter cunts.

I donā€™t understand why the state hasnā€™t pursued them further.

But Martin should be given some credit for his efforts while minister for education.

Are you running for election mate?

Canā€™t wait to see your big bucktooth slaphead plastered up on poles all over the place.

knowing what i know of martin from a civil service aspect, hes a man of words, and not actions.

he gets a very small tick in the positive column.

until such time as the Orders have paid up hell be an insipid coward

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Iā€™m listening to Duffy here. Christ its harrowing stuff. And to think this shit went on right up to the late 70s and early 80sā€¦Twould chill the bones off you

Thereā€™s a lot of online chatter about the state aggressively ending the link with the church in various institutions (schools/hospitals etc). Iā€™d agree with it and we didnā€™t go down the baptism route etc.

However, a couple of times in schools wasnā€™t there strong push back from parents/teachers when they went to do it?

i.e Do we need to face up to the fact that large amounts of the country is comfortable enough with the current setup?

election :smiley:

nah, ill be taking that portfolio after the revolution. dont worry though, i wont have you executed, i need a court clown

Iā€™ll still be your superior officer you pup.

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they got a sweetheart and reneged on it. they should be pursued like any errant debtor or we should remove the protections afforded to them in that sweetheart deal.

weā€™d need a visionary statesperson to take the lead on this but theyre in fairly short supply in DE

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that kind of attitude only comes from one dept :smiley:

McHugh follower by Norms. Dumb and dumber.

Certainly having a child out of wedlock was an almighty stain on a girl and her familyā€™s reputation right into the 80s. Lads were pushed into marriage at 16 and 17 if they got a girl pregnant. I remember hearing of a famous Irish broadcaster whose daughter got pregnant in her teens and he ā€œstood by herā€. In other words she was allowed stay at home not forced to marry and keep the baby.This was considered remarkable. That was as late as 1987, Iā€™d say. And all this in a country with no contraception. You were supposed to tie a knot in your Willy until you got married.


both bead rattlers id say so unlikely theyd touch it even if they had a scintilla of competence

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Seniority is seniority, pal.

I donā€™t disagree with the sweetheart deal part or that it should be enforced.

My point is that despite what we agree on - large amounts of the country in its actions supports the ongoing interaction of church and state - despite what they might say.

With levels of cover ups and under hand dealing s in the M&B homes surely FFs hands are absolutely filthy in it.