Ireland politics (Part 1)

The poor guard didnā€™t realise that he had been invited to a shouldering competition.

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Doesnā€™t sound like a career criminal or a future danger to society tbh.

Is it normal to turn up to court in a hoodie?

It is a weekly event outside the Mont. Blindsiding your opponent is still against the rules though

So he assaults a guard and leaves him unconscious for 12 minutes and is ordered to pay 15k in compensation. Meanwhile a young lad breaks his toe in school and the judge decides that 17k isnā€™t enough. :man_shrugging:


He assaulted a random punter who happened to be a guard. Thereā€™s no solicitor taking a cut from the injured party as well in the assault case. Apples and oranges anyway


If it was a straight row would he have even been collared?

Agreed the fact that heā€™s a Guard is irrelevant. Sounds like he done the ape on a night out. We all have. And been lucky enough to get away with it. Iā€™m sure there was something before that, not that it matters.
Still the judge can see all that for himself. References are pointless.

To play devils advocate, if he had 27 convictions heā€™d probably have got a suspended sentence and no fine.

Mate of mine got glassed one night, fella was sour he was shifting his ex, got ten grand and was well deserved. Still hasnā€™t seen a penny and we are going on 15 years now

Was he left with a scar, your mate?

Ya he was lucky enough, right on the eyebrow. Was bad enough for a while but youā€™d hardly see it now. Very lucky he didnā€™t lose the eye

Youā€™d want to be an unmitigated cunt to draw a glass across a fella.

A mate of mine got done getting money out of the atm in town. A broken whiskey bottle in the jaw. He had to get all sorts of surgery.


The lowest of the low.

Itā€™s a small town. When thereā€™s damage done in a row itā€™s easy enough figure out which stag or other group was involved and where theyā€™re staying.

Thereā€™s CCTV inside and outside, if yer man had some excuse he would have brought it up, and he didnā€™t

Theyā€™ll never find you below in the PROC

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If you are ā€œawardedā€ 15k in a criminal trial can you still take a civil case and would the amount awarded in the criminal trial be factored in?

If the young lad was from a less privileged background would he even have been given the option of paying the fine?

Itā€™s sort of wrong you can basically buy your way out of trouble if you have the means.

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My friend and by association myself ended up in a half a row with a Clare footballer in the Claremont. A great spot.

Whatā€™s a half a row?

Ye had a shouldering competition didnā€™t ye.

Pretty much. Shouldering, jostling and threats to kill

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