Ireland politics (Part 1)

Michael Martin is not very good at politics.

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And stay there.

Leo wouldn’t be drawn on the issue he said the decision as to whether Martin should go was above his pay grade.
Good wumming in fairness


He is certainly raising his game of late.

Champ has backed himself into a corner with his draconian and catholic Ireland ways (you can forget about takeaway pints) on this one. The optics will be terrible. You can be full sure Leo would be on the first plane given his OIUTF tendencies and I don’t think many would bat an eyelid


Lads, is this Champ thing sticking? Aren’t we better than this here?

A Taoiseach that is personally advised by british run agent provocateur Eoghan Harris, deserves an almighty slap

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and while youre there dont forget to give the serous kicking hes seriously overdue

I thought Eoghan Harris was a communist?

hes certainly part communist


It’s a great moniker we can thank Sir Geoffrey for. If it goes national it’ll be another example of tfk ahead of the curve

and whose police service is headed by british run, loyalist colluder, Drew Harris. What is it with people called Harris?

Don’t ever refer to me and you as we again.

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There is no me and you.

How pathetic is that Patrick O’Donovan.

He was on that politics show last night, had an absolute car crash interview when he was being pinned on the fact that the FS govt aren’t sharing information on arrivals with the O6 executive. He then started bleating in the middle of it that the interview wasn’t fair because there were 3 opposition TDs and only 1 govt.

I think that shows the absolute uselessness of FFG TDs, imagine the car crash they would be if they actually had to face competent broadcasters who would fulfill their duty rather than the facilitators they get on RTE. Imagine they had to face the regular grillings and ambushes SF TDs get on their shows.

FFG need to keep these lightweight TDs locked away and only let Peter Burke, James Lawless and Richard Bruton on TV.

Wasn’t tricky Dicky Bruton ripped apart there a week or so ago on the radio?


He is absolute car crash. Sarah McInerney absolutely destroyed him around the Seamus Woulfe debacle.

i see that norma foley pissed 51k up against a wall by hiring the odious crone, terry prone, to try and soften the leaving cert grade fiasco. she also kept the fuckup to herself for a week before telling cabinet