Ireland politics (Part 1)

No it’s not, it’s in the public service agreements. Which of the changes agreed to in those are just called doing your in other sectors?


Lots of ways really. Increased hours and reduced leave for example.

Comprehensive answer there with lots of detail backing your argument. Pretty difficult to argue against that.

I said efficiencies and increases in productivity were achieved.

You said they weren’t. You said that what I was referring to was just called doing your job in other sectors.

The public service agreements since the crash have numerous examples of agreed efficiencies and productivity increases.

Which of these do you disagree with? You stated some very firm opinions, surely they are based on some facts?

What about new entrant teachers on reduced scales for example, or GardaĂ­, should their wages have been restored? According to you they are grossly overpaid, right?

I’ve given two clear and factual examples. I don’t think you’ve referred to any facts at all yet.

The gardai and teacher’s pay being thrown in with wasters pay is another example of what I was talking about earlier of the way the unions fuck over some of their own people. I don’t disagree with any efficiencies and increased productivity in the public sector. Why would I? My point is that working efficiently and being more productive is part of most people’s jobs, it’s just a relatively new concept in the public sector and not something to be crowing about.

But, you’re wrong there. People taking large pay cuts, and increasing efficiency and productivity, on the basis that pay will be restored later, and during which time the cost of living has increased, is not standard. It’s quite a contribution.

Maybe I’m picking you up wrong but you seem awful sensitive and cranky about it. I only asked a few questions to see where these views were coming from. You’re using all sort of loaded language like wasters all over the place but you don’t seem to have any supporting information for your very strong opinions. It’s weaker than an Irish Independent article.

Do people realise that lower public sector workers are barely on 400 a week. Nobody wants these jobs when things are good.

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What are you talking about? You don’t think there was pay cuts and increased efficiency in other sectors after the crash? I would say it is very standard. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs after the crash myself included. Can the same be said in the public sector? The sense of entitlement of many public sector workers does irk me I will admit. Where’s my restoration of the savings I had to use to live at that time? And the same for many others? It’s not there and we don’t expect it and that’s fine such is life. Giving pay rises to every single public sector at this time in this country is very wrong in my opinion and I’d say I wouldn’t be alone in that.

This is the kind of thing that was going on around the time of the crash. “I lost my job I want public sector workers to be fired as well.” I don’t follow the line of reasoning to be honest with you. I could have pursued a career in the private sector and been paid more money. You could have a pursued a career in the public sector and had job security. There are trade offs. Your attitude appears to be “I lost so I want others to lose as well”.

Many many people took a severe pay cut and worked harder under worsening conditions for over a decade as the cost of living went up. And you have a problem because those pay cuts are finally being unwound, as they were promised to be years ago. As I see it, that’s your position. I don’t understand that position at all to be honest with you.

You were on a lot more than 400 a week in private sector id imagine. Easy slag off lower paid public sector workers but no one wants these jobs in the good times.

Not at all I’d be more than happy for some public sector workers to be paid more and they should be paid more. It is the blanket increase and zero accountability in the public sector that grinds my gears. You seem happy with that state of affairs and I don’t understand that opinion at all.

Which jobs in the public sector would be on 400 quid a week? Entry level jobs I presume?

Yes and you could not get people to fill these jobs in boom times. I think they deserve a pay rise.

Entry level positions in the public sector on that money would be mainly unskilled workers and they wouldn’t get much more than that in the private sector. The starting salaries for nurses is a good example of public sector pay that is way too low.

Less sick days?

Which ones shouldn’t be paid more? How do you propose to identify them, or differentiate between the deserving and undeserving? What measures should be in place to increase accountability?


The fact that you think pay for performance is such an absurd idea says it all.


One example is flexi time, if you work extra hours you could take them back as time in lieu, up to a max of 1.5 days per month. That was reduced by half a day, you’d still do the hours, you can’t take that half a day back. That’s 6 days a year. Across a workforce that’s a big saving. I might not be accurate on the exact change there but it was something like that. It’s just a small example.