Ireland politics (Part 1)

You’re being awfully snide about this. It seems anything I ask you these days triggers you. I asked a genuine question, what kinds of measures do you think should be in place?

The best way to make productivity is a good old hiring freeze.

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A public sector pay and pension increase in the middle of a pandemic that it’s still not clear how we will pay for makes perfect sense.



They could have frozen the pay increases for all public servants except Gardai and medical. Possibly just medical/hse. If these aren’t exceptional circumstances I don’t know what is. I think most people would have been fine with that.


They did that for five years alright. Lots of retirements and lots of positions left unfilled and the same amount of work to do or more.

That’s not good enough for some people either.

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Don’t be so precious petal you were telling me to stop being hysterical and stop screaming and making things up for posing one sentence to you the other day.

Are you asking me what type of measures should be in place that evaluates performance on an individual basis and rewards those that work harder and better and doesn’t reward everyone together and by the same amount regardless if they are busting their balls and trying to deliver a better public service and those that punch in and punch out and barely lift a finger from one end of the week to the next? Is that the question?

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Yeah. You say it doesn’t exist. What system should be in place to promote accountability and what systems should be in place to differentiate between and reward workers?

Probably they would have been. I don’t know was there a legal reason or something like that this needed to be done now. It’s a fairly long process anyway, it was probably in train a long time.

I’d imagine when the people who can/should stop it are about to benefit from it theres even less chance of it being frozen.

Ah come on now are you saying that the “performance management” system that is in place in the public sector is fit for purpose? That’s a laughable position to take. Would you have any figures for the amount of people who have lost their jobs for poor performance in the public sector?

We’re repeating the mistakes made in 2007 when public sector pay was out of control. But the banks. The decision to save the banks was by those highly paid public servants who were also in charge of regulating them.

Anyway it makes sense to increase the public pay bill by over 1 billion while we run a stupidly highly budget deficit during an unprecedented pandemic that has shuttered most of our economy.

It’s a stupid decision but why expect anything different.

I think public pay was at or just over 35 per cent of tax take in 2008. We’re approaching those levels again. It was not affordable then and it is not now.

Remember The opportunity cost of that billion plus when the next budget is rolled out.


I think the working hours went up by 20/30mins a day. I was furious about it at the time as Mrs J had just gone back to work after having the little lady and it really fucked her for the amount of time she could spend with her in the evening.

Do you no harm to put the bong down and help out for those twenty minutes.


Working an extra 2 hours a week during an economic catastrophe in which hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs and tens of thousands of people were forced to emmigrate to survive seems like a terribly onerous thing to inflict on people.


Guys guys guys, lets not tear each other down here. Everyone should have the right to a job where they do very little. We need to stick together, not let big business tear us apart, with their talk of “working hours” “targets” “merit based promotions” etc


And are under a fraction of the pressure that a private sector CEO with 5000 staff is under. Doesn’t have to worry about making payroll, profit margin, or bother his or her arse to look at email at the weekend.


Are you getting a decent sleep at lunch these days?

My napping has been poor enough the last few weeks. I did get a good ten minute cat nap in this afternoon though.

It was one of a number of measures. You asked for details. Their pension entitlements, leave, flexi and many other working conditions were changed.

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Not saying things didn’t get worse for them mate that’s what happens during a catastrophic financial collapse. Better than losing the job altogether I think most people would agree. Or maybe not I don’t know.