Ireland politics (Part 1)

Informative article thanks mate

Who the fuck reads the Irish Times? … We’re starved of decent journalism in Ireland.

You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth here horsey. You were asked to provide more detail on state bodies where you said you saw inefficiencies but you won’t provide details.

If someone were more disingenuous they might say you were spoofing

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I had my annual performance review with my manager yesterday. It’s a formal recorded process which links satisfactory performance to payment of increments (another post crash reform). It also links to eligibility to apply for promotion or transfer or other things like further education support. Probation is taken quite seriously, I’ve managed people who have not passed probation. In terms of people losing their jobs, I’m aware of many cases where people have “chosen to resign”. In fairness terms of rewarding performance, that’s there too, it’s called promotion.

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There’s a poster here who is a big fan of cancel culture and has previously advocated finding out employment details and sending posts from TFK to poster’s employers to try to get them fired so I’ll not be posting those details to win an argument on the INTERNET art.


You’ve said a number of times that the efficiencies or productivity increases were laughable or non-existant. A number of them have been listed out to you at this stage. The only specific information that has been provided contradicts your opinions, and you’ve provided no information to support your very strong opinions. Does any of it moderate your view at all?



That’s outrageous. Quote up those posts there mate. Surely this shouldn’t be tolerated.

Do you mean a grade promotion but still doing the same job?

I don’t get you. If you’re promoted you’d be going up a level and so not doing the same job.

That was what I was expecting. Just wondering if people were getting advancement on the basis of time served rather than performance.

Promotion on the basis of time served is gone years ago, long enough that those promoted based on time served are nearly all retired now I’d say. Promotion is by competition only, and the last set of changes broadens the competition element even further. For promotion positions across the civil service, one third can be in house, one third must be interdepartmental and one third must be open (anyone can apply).

I am encouraged by what you are telling me.

Will you accept an ambassador’s role in light of this?

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It’s nothing new, it’s been like this for years. Since before I joined anyway.

Of course some would rather ignore all that and just call people in the public service wasters and call for them to lose their jobs.

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I am a born diplomat.


You would be great for handling the problems of arrested drunken micks on stag parties in Krakow

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A dawdle after the discipline he imposed on the Limerick clique.

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Easy now. It’s hardly evidence of a highly efficient public service.

They can find their own way out of the drunk tank.

I’ve always tried to be hard but fair.