Ireland politics (Part 1)

Cool. Sounds like all of the notorious performance issues in the public sector have been solved so which is great. Hopefully the public will start to reap the benefits of this soon with a highly engaged and productive public sector there to serve them.

its being reaped at the moment as most public services are functioning normally during the lockdown, even though most of us are wroking at home, and with kids but the work is still being done

Another snide and petulant response.

Youā€™ve presented lots of strong opinions with no supporting information at all. You get narky when asked for any back up. And when presented with facts and examples that contradict your statements you come back with more of the same.

I donā€™t claim the public service is perfect, but it would be nice if you could engage with facts, you know, debate, rather than just throw out some vitriolic opinions and rinse and repeat.

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Look at you trying to goad me into revealing employment details you sneaky fecker you :smiley:

Iā€™ll leave you to it mate sounds like ye have sorted out all the cultural issues that were there in abundance up until last May anyway. To do so while working remotely is remarkable and deserves a study all of itā€™s own.

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@horsebox has shown remarkable patience here. Very admirable.

Iā€™ve absolutely no interest in your employment details, I didnā€™t ask for them ( I donā€™t think so anyway). I just asked for any specifics or facts or any information at all to support your very strong views. Or even suggestions for what should be done. I genuinely think thatā€™s fairly reasonable, right? But you havenā€™t provided any of that, and signed off with another snide response.

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On this, I decided to fail someoneā€™s promotion in 2019. Person was a disaster from start to finish. Trying to deal with HR on this was a disaster from start to finish. They kept moving the goalposts on what they needed, what meeting I had to have with the employee etc. I can see how a less diligent manager (like @Batigol 2021 version) would just say fuck it and pass them.

Eamon Eamon Eamon

Would this have happened without the Greens @padjo?

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Is there a more incompetent and hapless politicians in the Dail than this guy?


On the radio again playing the victim everytime he gets challenged in a debate. He was the week in politics a few weeks back crying about how he was the one government official against 3 opposition TDs.


Did someone wake Eamon up to tell him this is happening?

A nice bit of deflection from the FFG crowd to take the spotlight off the complete fuck up with Mother and Baby homes scandal

Twitter is going into meltdown over this because it thinks that immigrants will be guaranteed houses within 4 months, whereas obviously there are plenty of Irish people waiting for houses for 4+ years. I have no idea whether twitter is right or not. It would be fairly disgraceful if that was the case.

Twitter is always wrong. always!

I donā€™t think people realise direct provision is not compulsory. Instead of staying in direct provision centres they will now stay in emergency accommodation. Banty will just need to change the purpose of some of his hotels and continue to cream it in. Its all smoke and mirrors. Good political spin all the same.

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And a good distraction from the way they have treated the survivors of the mother and baby homes.


Maria Bailey on Brendan Oā€™Connor talking some amount of shite.

The poor woman. Iā€™m very near to tears hereā€¦just like Maria


Typical Blueshirt victim mentality.

See Varadkar, Regina Doherty, Patrick Oā€™Donovan etc.

Well able to dish it out but canā€™t take a bit back.



What do you mean?