Ireland politics (Part 1)

Do you not know what compulsory means?

Are you just trying to be a dick now for some reason? I don’t know what you mean by direct provision isn’t compulsory, what’s the the alternative for people?

Who even owns those anymore

Will be there be a FF heave agin the Taoiseach?
Assume they will wait until Leo takes over and then Big Jim launches a charge?

Shane Coleman thinks Norma is the anointed one.


Jesus Christ!

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We’ve suffered enough as a country surely

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Give it Willie O’Dea to end of the season.

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I’d imagine with Norma as leader it would finish them everywhere outside their South West Munster stronghold.

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Government formations are going to be an absolute clusterfuck over the next few elections. FFG really need to merge.

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3 party (at least) collations
Mattie McGrath would make a good fist of finance, sure probably make as good a go as many in FFG

FG 40 seats SF 40 seats and rest scattered in the wind.

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FF are done for really it’s SF and FG going forward as to a contest FF will die off and votes mainly will be split between SF mainly independents and FG

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On those numbers and similar to the IT poll I’d go 50 each for SF and FG 15 for FF 10 SD 3 Green 2 Lab and the rest independents SBP etc some craic to get to 80 for a government

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There won’t be an election for at least 2 years . Opinion polls are an ad for newspapers .

Nothing to really see here

that is the absolute reality of it, by the time of the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the civil war, they will have to face the reality of merging

Disagree. It’s remarkably similar to the old system for the last 100 years. 2 large parties alternating depending on who is flavour of the month with the middle block. The middle block of Green/SD. Good chance Labour + SD might merge in a few years… but not til Murphy retires.


Labour are 6 (I think) at the moment. Surely with a bit of focus they could increase that to 12.

Fishing in the same pool as the SDs dont think so

It’s remarkable that Ireland has at least 6 political parties (supposedly spanning the spectrum of left and right) that have at least reasonable support, yet not one that has opposed lockdowns. Truly a brainwashed society. The primary knock on US politics is that both parties are center right (blue) to right (red) so no real choice, and yet we have one party that has (and still does) vigorously support lockdowns and one that has favored opening up society since last summer. The outcome for red, blue and purple states: roughly the same. There are now no states in lockdown.

You are being lied to by self serving, self preservation wankers.