Ireland politics (Part 1)

SF SD Labour coalition is surely a viable option in 2 elections time. Most Irish people are nominally leftish enough. And with the Abfg Abff vote there is a chance.

Would FF consider an amalgamation with SF? Underage first to see how it goes with a view to creating a few good minor teams before going with it at senior level?

Fuckin twat
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That would have @hbv cumming all over the €500 that he normally kept for the Romanians who lived next door to @Bandage old flat down the docks

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I see Drew Harris has had to issue a statement on what he said on the news last night about yesterday’s march being the far left.

Time for another rebrand for Murphy

How so?

It’s effectively the left subsuming each other into a bigger political unit which makes perfect sense if they want to grown their voting base.

Exactly. They’re politically aligned, they should merge.

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If they are politically aligned - why have they not done so while continually spinning off new groupings?

Why don’t FF and FG do the same now?

Because there is something in their personalities which mean they’d argue with their own shadow and are unable or unwilling to form a viable political alternative.

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I don’t know, you’d have to ask them. They appear to be doing it now. Makes sense for them, right?

As an Aontu man yourself, you should be looking to get them back in the tent.

FF are not left wing enough for Aontu.

Yes. Yes and yes.

Do you think the average person, like @The_Most_Infamous, will see this tho?

First item on the agenda- I propose a split


I think there’s a higher allowance for him if he’s a separate party. How very socialist

Three parties now though and SF and FG are never going into coalition together.

The problem you now have is how divided things will get.

You look at that poll and if they represent seats then FG and SF will need FF and two of the Greens/SD/Lab/PBP to get just about a majority government. You’re going to have governments falling on a frequent basis from here on in.

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Belgium have this issue I think. An endless succession of coalition governments that have no underlying ideology and no direction.