Ireland politics (Part 1)

Youre missing the point Rocko. Once the 10 k was mentioned. They should have nailed it. He was quick thinking enough to create an element of doubt, no matter how flimsy



Hughie was caught not only with his pants down but with his hands on his cock. Anyone who believes that bulshit he has come out with needs to be committed to an institution.

In any other country what was shown last night would have finished him off. Doesn’t say much for this country that this fucker might survive.

I was thinking the same myself
But like that unfortunately he will.
He might get a late nomination for coty though

The whole system needs to be looked at. The planners are as corrupt as the local politicians, it’s a poor system that gives that much power to both the planners and councillors, a planning decision should be black and white, it’s either allowed for in the co planning laws or it’s not.
It’s all rotten to the core.

Most of the planners are utter cunts now. I believe they have brought in a lot of foreign lads who are very much by the book.

Fucking cunts taking our jobs, not knowing our culture.


No harm to in a few outsiders to keep the system right.

He lured RTE into their own trap and pounced. Not a penny exchanged hands and he is a bit of a media sensation


Rather than wasting yet more taxpayer money, RTE would have been better off focusing on those that have cost the country billions. Perhaps they are afraid of certain people and their legal teams

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You obviously don’t know too many people from monaghan

He surely can’t be only 42?

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Councillor for 42 years Nembo

They has it in the initial reports that he was 42 years old. Could the clowns not take one good look at him?

Mick Wallace arrested over non payment of a fine.

Patiently awaiting a statement from Claire

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I guess this is the Shannon Airport thing. Arrest him, imprison him for Christmas and guarantee his popularity and poll topping status.

I wouldn’t put anything past Wexicans so you could well be right with that scenario mate