Ireland politics (Part 2)

Is this parody or real?

Lots of countries said they wouldn’t participate unless Russia was expelled. Iceland now saying the same for Israel.

Would Councillors be losing out on a few euro under the new setup proposed by the legislaiton?

The place is booming despite the naysayers and Marxist agitators.

Government tax receipts surged to a record €88.1 billion last year despite the economic slowdown and fears that 2023 would see a reversal in corporate tax.

Year-end exchequer returns published by the Department of Finance show tax revenue rose by almost €5 billion or 6 per cent last year, driven by strong growth in income tax, VAT and corporation tax.

Income tax, the Government’s main tax channel, generated €32.9 billion for the 12-month period, which was €2.2 billion (7.1 per cent) ahead of 2022, reflecting the strength of the Irish labour market. There were a record 2.6 million people employed in the State last year.

And hospitals that are a shitshow, zero housing, piss poor public transport etc. Their job is to deliver public services and not just be a tax collector.

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@admins - can you word ban @TheUlteriorMotive & “Marxist agitators”

good news on the public transport front mate

Will you ever fuck off…it’s dreadful.

yes, it is dreadful but things are getting much better, the legacy of this government on that front will be transformational

please go to the appropriate thread to read about what’s planned

The Marxist agitators hate the tables being turned.

I have you on the run now.

There is not zero housing. It’s getting better but the population growth is staggering. 2.6m in employment. Huzzah.

Health service could be a lot lot better given money spent on it. Vested interests are hard to move.

And its the government’s job to address these issues and resolve them. Most people are less concerned with the wolf population than those loons.

And the way to address them is have a functioning economy with full employment two years after a global pandemic to give you the financial war chest to deploy which is happening but building homes takes time. The health system is a beast most countries are struggling with as people live longer and more expensive treatments become available. It’s one area we really could do better.

I’m on record as criticising the current government in lots of areas but they are doing a great job on the economy.

Marxist agitators like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will always have half baked notions about wolves and windmills. He’s not a serious part of any conversation about anything other than the benefits of certain science and anecdote backed supplements such as ester c and nmh. There’s a reason he and I remained Covid 19 free.


Employment is important…of course it is. How much credit rhis government can take for it is debatable. The spending side isn’t as impressive. Forgive me if is don’t spend my time celebrating unchecked innigration, 700-odd genders, A & Es that don’t work, five year waiting lists, mental housing prices and inadequate volumes of same…they are important aspects and this government is failing fairly miserably. But sure if you’re happy with them, good luck to you.


The strong economy is the bulwark against the rise of extremism of the far right you are seeing around Europe or the anti Semitic Marxism you see espoused on here

They’ve even converted Bressie to Marxism.

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That’s a very Marxist view of things and it’s complete baloney.

When the economy is performing well the government deserves credit; however, when the economy is performing badly it can be put down to Ireland having an open economy, vulnerable to external forces etc.