Ireland politics (Part 2)

I didn’t read it properly. SF reckon it would only cost €780 million

What’s the voucher for, anything at all? A voucher for the hospitality industry seems a no brainer.

They don’t say.

It seems to me, in the context of a budget proposal that sets out all the challenges the country faces and plans to spend €5 billion between capital spending and increased current spending; to spend nearly a billion on a voucher scheme is a bit perverse.

It would be popular though and I suppose that’s the whole point.

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They had a similar voucher up north. Could only be spent in certain outlets and not on booze.

Paid for by tax increases on SME owners who they expect to create jobs :joy::joy:

They launched a scheme here to reclaim money spent on hotels then shut them all.

Are SF totally forgetting the cost of replacing/repairing all the Mica affected homes?

Bizarre take.

But sure you’ve never said anything intelligent in your life so why start now.

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It must be part of their budget plan considering their spokesperson is from the worst effected County?

I got the last laugh by finding somewhere expensive enough (Wineport Lodge) during the narrow window the scheme was operational and getting the max refund.

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There was something in there about it to be fair but it was relatively small iirc

It’s not a real budget they have to deliver so they’ve gone full Ryan Tubridy on it

The same people whom SF will penalise if they have the temerity to earn >100k

They also want to recruit thousands of health care professionals and to attract them they want to tax them 60 per cent.

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Pearse has a money tree it’s all good

If we’ve learned anything these last two years it’s that there is in fact a magic money tree


I dunno how anyone can sneer at the supposed Sinn Fein money tree after the last 18 months. We have literally spent billions that were never budgeted for.


Correct,there’s lots of money around when they need it.

We can borrow billions when the good folk at the ECB are buying it. If we do a solo run and make ourselves an outlier amongst EU countries we are goosed.


It’s a little different which I suspect you knows Firstly we could do it because the ECB enabled it, which they wouldn’t normally do. Secondly it was for a discreet period of time - not to expand annual budgets.

Even despite all that it’s another whack on to our overall debt pile. Interest rates are super-low now but no guarantee that will be the case in the future.