Ireland politics (Part 2)

Retrofit grants have been around for years. I was on about the governmentā€™s half assed response to tackling the current increase of the cost of living.

you must have missed todays news

people suffering from fuel poverty will get 100% retrofits on their houses thus reducing their energy bills

As Iā€™ve said, retrofit grants are not new. Theyā€™re re-releasing old news and dressing it up as new. Retrofit grants are means tested. Iā€™m wondering why they canā€™t means test child benefit or this energy bill subsidy.


This is new, 100% grants were not given before for people suffering from fuel poverty & the % has increased for everyone else

It would be inefficient to means test a one off grant as i believe this grant is coming through the energy companies as a reduced bill. This is is the fastest and least cumbersome way of doing this

its a policy decision not to means test the childrenā€™s allowance

Would they give me grant for this? Way cheaper

giphy (10)

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you already have one you dunce

Was the existing Warmer Homes Scheme not designed for this?

Ah yeah but shur if I got a grant for one, I could flog it on.


President of what though

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Giving ā‚¬100 to families who donā€™t need it is an inefficient use of tax payers money. Having a civil service who are unable to link up with revenue data to see who shouldnā€™t get free money is an inefficient use of tax payers money. The policy not to means test child benefit is because of this not fit for purpose civil service. Thereā€™s a pattern here.

The retrofit grant has been increased, it is not new.

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McDonaldā€™s judging by the size of the useless cunt


yes, its been increased, 80% now for attic and wall insulation

this will reduce costs

Do grant schemes not drive up the price of both materials and labour?


you would assume so but as i said earlier this looks great on paper, lets hope it works well in real life

in terms of labour
Who is going to do all this?

"Good question - this ā‚¬8Bn commitment includes training and apprenticeship opportunities with 4,550 places by end of 2022.

Thereā€™s a guaranteed career in this for the next 10 years."

Ok but are those apprentices going to be exclusively working on retrofitting homes or will they be working on constructing new homes to alleviate the housing crisis?

It seems like trying to run before we can walk; skills shortages need to be tackled before targets regarding new homes and retrofitting are set.

Thereā€™s a guaranteed career in this for the next 10 years."

You thinking of packing the gig in at the yacht club?


Only in Ireland does the minister for foreign affairs get to be the only one not travelling abroad