Ireland politics (Part 2)

Presume so. Heā€™s very well respected round there, even in what you would presume would be SF land in ring send. Polled very well last time but couldnt beat the tidal wave of sf support. Only thing is that Labour is very middle class male at the moment and they might push for a young female if thereā€™s one in order to build profile before the next general. Doubt Humphreys would like that though.

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Look at this overpaid cunt playing the martyr




Humphreys seems like a decent sort. I often see him out and about walking the dog.

It should be a tap-in for Kate Oā€™Connell, but Major McDowell will be a significant factor should he run. Heā€™s had a good pandemic pointing out huge anomalies in the governmentā€™s approach and, unusually for him. not being hysterical about it.

That said, DBS is probably the most LIDTF and restriction-compliant constituency in the country and there should be no deviation from the status quo.

I wonder would Maria Bailey from neighbouring Dun Laoighre have a go as an independent for the craic. Sheā€™d have the neck for it.

McDowell is 70 this week. I donā€™t see him running.

Be great to get Lucinda back.

What a heterophobic post

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Not a good look.

Excellent stuff from Matt Carthy here.

Is that cunt 12 years old? I had to work on my birthday!



You can post that ā€” Sheā€™s a married woman and a mother. Disgusting misogyny on display here

Only a smidgen of the no of Catholics the IRA killed in the civil war which lasted a year.

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She can pose with a torturer of any gender she wants.

Was the NI conflict a Civil War. It was a war against an imperial oppressor.

What difference would that make?

The fact is there was an even more callous regard for civil war as FF and FG battled it out for power with the gun.

Matt says that SĆ©amus was an IRA volunteer. Seamus would then be fully aware of the risks attaching. There hasnā€™t been a war yet that there havenā€™t been casualties.
Matt probably has all these deaths logged on file and trots them out as the wheel of time turns. Itā€™s called political campaigning. Mattā€™s no slouch in the self-promotional game.

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