Ireland politics (Part 2)

All politics today is about PR. Every single one of them use social media and the traditional media for their own ends.

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As I said, that’s the issue. He’s trying to use that to make people sorry for him, do you not see the cynicism there. Would you use your own personal tragedies to get ahead?

No doubt what Martin went through was very tough.

Trying to use that for political capital shows him for the type of barrel scraping arsehole that he is though.

You can pretty much safely guess that this was done in a meeting with his spin team and trying to gain a few points in opinion poll. He was happily willing to use his own personal tragedies and his dead children to benefit personally. Now ask yourself what type of person would do that? A sociopath and we can see by the policies of Micheal Martin and his party, the guy is an absolute cancer of the highest order.


Losing two children and having blood on your hands with regard to killing two children in Warrington.


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Agree totally. He’s never mentioned them publicly before now. It’s a very cynical exercise indeed.

Ah yes.

Whereas your state covered up the killings by the British state of 34 of its own citizens.

We seen it countless times before with you on here, you’re some patsy for a bit of spin

You’ll always have a few dopes like @farmerinthecity fall for it every time though.

Christ above.

How do you know what his intention was?

Because it is part of his character.

The same man who regularly insults victims of the troubles. He’s a piece of shit.

That has nothing to do with it.

In 1993, when it was clear that the war was over, the IRA as linked to Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams randomly dropped a bomb in a city centre and as a result two children died.

You can go on about the obvious wrongs done, but nothing can get away from the fact that Warrington was an utter disgrace and your beloved Adams was all over it.

+1. Only a couple of weeks since he was going on about the “Ballymurphy SITUATION.” Micheál Martin is a dirty orange bastard.

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I disagree. I think Simon Harris uses his social media to help people and be relatable as a really cool guy.

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Gerry Adams randomly dropped a bomb in Warrington?

Did Sean Lemass randomly murder Protestants in Cork?

The usual Free State hypocrisy.

If he did then that was completely wrong and he should be vilified for it.

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This was utterly disgraceful, it’s the type of comment you’d expect from Gregory Campbell or Sammy Wilson.

And you have the backward dinosaurs expecting us to believe he has an ounce of sincerity in his body.

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Why is Martin eulogising gunmen and killers?

Is it irrefutable that Lemass shot Protestants in a sectarian manner?

Was he a high ranking member of the IRA at that time?

I don’t know - was he?