Ireland politics (Part 2)

Are the 3,500 bereaved relatives from both sides of the divide?

You see the contradiction?


SF have actively called for a truth and reconciliation programme on The Troubles. FF/FG and the British govt do not want this to happen as the skeletons in the closet of the British and Free State governments are far, far murkier than anything SF have to hide.

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You just never know when and where in this place.

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Would Jarry Adams admit he was in the IRA and ordered murders of kids at that ?

I canā€™t speak of Lemassā€™s history.

But what I do know is that Warrington was a disgrace and Adams was the head of the Republican movement at the time apparently on the road to peace.

Well if Martin is trying to obstruct that then that is completely wrong.

But you were speaking for Gerry Adams history.

And you canā€™t see the hypocrisy there? Strange.

Warrington was a disgrace but Dunmanway was acceptable?

What you do know and apparently in the same sentence. Were you born stupid?

He is and successive Irish governments have done this for decades and youā€™re getitng all outraged here about Warrington when you seem to be feigning ignorance on Irish government involvement in suppressing the truth.

Hereā€™s more of the Irish govt and their suppression of justice.

I said I didnā€™t know anything about Lemassā€™s history. I also said that if he was involved in the sectarian killing of Protestants then he deserves to be vilified. If you deem that to be me saying it was ā€˜acceptableā€™ then you are the stupid cunt.

Suppressing the truth does not make Warrington any less of an atrocity.

You claim the Irish Government is attempting to say ā€˜look over there at the IRAā€™ when questioned about the truth. You are doing the same when any IRA atrocity is brought up.

Anyway, I am done.

Strange you would not know anything about Lemass. He is a former Taoiseach and a glorified figure in FF, you dear friend MM was eulogising him lately. Thereā€™s a level of ignorance about free staters and their complete lack of knowledge on their own stateā€™s bloody history or a complete double standards when it comes to looking back on it.

FF and FG have no problem lauding violent gun men linked to terrible things but then get up on their high horse when the nationalist community they abandoned up north began to fight back against a violent state sponsored pogrom.

Of course youā€™re done.

You lost the argument and are running away.

And the father to two dead kids. Heā€™s plenty of other things to boot too.

But Itā€™s ok to relate on a personal level with a guy even if his political stances you detest.

Is it ok that my skin crawls when a person wants to use their dead children for political capital?

Feel free to relate to who(m)ever you want.

Did you hear Martin on Rte a few weeks ago going on abt how he went up the north during the troubles & talked to loyalist gunmen & then he "understood " them. Pity he didnā€™t talk to the families of the innocent Catholics they killed.


@bandage I think a week or two ago you posted a link to an article that I didnā€™t get a chance to read at the time. It was about Micheal Martinā€™s politics up north. One poster commented that if half of what it said was true then he was a cunt and another poster said all all you need to know is that Edwin Poots hates Varadkar and Coveney but loves Martin. Could you or whoever posted that link please post it again?

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Can I propose a compromise position -

  • it is sad how Micheal Martinā€™s 2 kids died and he can talk about it to the Irish Times if he wants.

  • Micheal Martin is also a complete cunt of a man, a quisling traitor Jaffa, and its a shame that his own tragedy hasnā€™t given him some sympathy for the families who had people murderer by the British army at Ballymoney.


I think itā€™s the fact that he is using this for political capital says a lot about him.