Ireland politics (Part 2)

Fine in theory but looking at many, many local authority workers over many years you wouldnā€™t get a fucking hen-house in Leitrim. There were 3 local authority employees tasked with restoring 100yd of a stone wall adjacent to Fenagh Abbey. They were there like 3 snails for almost 8 months inching along before a halt was called. Johnny McGovern, an accomplished stonemason was summoned - in, done and gone in a fortnight with a young lad of his own mixing and siftingā€¦ā€¦Housesā€¦Never on.


Thatā€™s fine for the moment but at some point in the future weā€™ll need to refinance the debt incurred now and thereā€™s no guarantee interest rates will be as low then

Thatā€™s when you donā€™t want the man who was cheerleading Syriza engaging with bond investors. The ECB will be propping up the bond market for the term of the current government anyway.

Local authorities should have no difficulty tendering for houses to be built. They already own and maintain houses, they just need to do it on a larger scale. Thereā€™s no issue. Quite obviously private companies will be involved, they get contracts, thatā€™s a straw man youā€™re putting up.

They already own properties that charge nominal rents where 60% are in arrears so that wouldnā€™t be a feather in the cap for local authorities. The rhetoric around landlords and developers being evil would suggest ideological opposition to the involvement of the private sector at the scale required. Although maybe this is more by the angry online supporters moreso than the politicians who may be more pragmatic once the civil servants lay out what is feasible.

Have you a number for this fella?

I have, you want it?

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McGovern Stonemasonry on Facebook has the details, pics of completed jobs and projects at varying stages. A top, top stonemason. Busy as fuck I think thoā€™ā€¦. I have his number if necessary.


While I appreciate the great work yourself and @TreatyStones have completed I think my man is top notch for, shall we say, bigger projects.

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We have a massive issue with landlordism in this country. Itā€™s a hangover from pre Land Act days when @TheUlteriorMotive s great grandad would be part of a party putting a family on the side of the road for non payment of rent.


Every tradesman I know is flat out.Even lads that gave it up 10 yrs ago to work in factories are on the go doin nixers and charging top rate.If you had a trade and gave it up thereā€™s big money to be made on the side for anyone with a bit of go in him.Ive been working 7 days a week since Xmas myself.Its crazy.


Thatā€™s a lovely backhanded complement :grinning:


Great to be able to do it lad. Hard work never killed any of us. While itā€™s fine and dandy to get into your 70ā€™s in middling form, the odd bits of pensions are grand and all that but by Jaysus the oulā€™ days at work were great.
Bits of scams here and there, the lies we heard and told and the cameraderie of working with good, sound lads.


That is true. Every spark we deal with has 3 to 6 months confirmed work ahead plus weekend jobs

Iā€™d say thatā€™s a big leap of faith. They should get the chance to do it for sure. Proof will be in the pudding though.

Itā€™s all about the will to do it.

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What about Joe Costello, Aaronā€™s father?

Its mad alright. Twould be nearly worth a lads time doing a bit of a tiling or paving ā€œcourseā€ and making a few business cards. You want a bit of taste and patience for that job though, Iā€™d prefer a bit of demolition myself.

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