Ireland politics (Part 2)

2 years is the general wait for a stonemason from the enquires I made. Thatā€™s if you can even get them to look at it. Iā€™ve the Slovakian lad plagued but I canā€™t even get him to give me a price.

Simon Harris said that this is not the time to be dickying up houses. I see everyone ignored that advice. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve a plumber in doing my bathrooms. Great lad. We have tea when he arrives and in afternoon. Was a Russian soldier.

He gets through some work in a day. Hard to be on tfk doing his job. A lesson to us all.

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Sure most of them are getting 350 a week from the Gov before they get out of bed on Monday, work 2 or 3 days for 600 quid and kick back from Thursday. A great little country.

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does he charge normal irish prices or are you getting a spetsnaz offer?

And rightly so :grinning:,theyā€™ll be the first casualty when the bust comes.


Heā€™s always been busy since the day he came here.That and heā€™s an outstanding stone mason.

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Ah his work is top notch and his rates reasonable. Youā€™d know a wall heā€™s done a mile away.


Think heā€™s 80 a square metre

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Doesnā€™t sound like the heave against Martin has much to it. FF are all too scared to make moves to save themselves.

Is the ā€œAirport Constituecyā€ thing what it was 20 years ago ??

To be replaced by who? The problem FF have is that they have no one to replace him and there is lack of talent in the party. Then could removing Martin trigger an election and if there was an election FF would be practically wiped out.

Quagmire Chambers.

I donā€™t understand the logistics, but local authority housing seems to be run mostly by charities in the UK. Im sure itā€™s a particular arrangement, but it may break it into more bite size chunks.

Mcsharry, big Jim, dev Jr, biffo, willie, calleary all against chump. Any more Iā€™m missing out? 2 more ff to turn they will win a motion of no confidence, provided all of the opposition vote in favour of it


The other lad from Cork, Moynihan?

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Will they actually table it is the big question? Mcsharry has played the big man on twitter and still voted with the whip

Itā€™s getting more and more like the final months of CJH. The desire for change is palpable, the need for change is immediate but the personnel are a poor reflection of 30 years ago. Thereā€™s no apparent recipient of the poisoned chalice but Iā€™d personally rule out the following as deemed unsuitableā€¦ā€¦JoC, Dev Ć³g, Willie, MacJnr, the CC, either Cavan deppity etcā€¦
Leaving Biffo the younger, McGrath, McGuinness and a dark horse MvConalogue. Itā€™s take your pick with or without that lot. FF are deadā€¦ā€¦

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