Ireland politics (Part 2)

Better not underpay the politicians anyway, we’d get some awful useless cunts if we did….more teachers maybe.

Increase the number of TDs by 8.75%,cut the salaries by the same amount. Simple!


And put a big push on to get more teachers involved

14 new TDs all teachers will free up a few teaching posts. Not permanent ones unfortunately.


It’ll actually be 28 teachers because they’re all only going to get part time contracts :face_with_monocle:


That looper Mick Barry was newstalk this evening talking about income inequality and he started blathering about the many other ‘equal societies’ that have existed in history. The presenter asked him to give a few examples of such and all he came up with was, and I quote “the cowboys and Indians.”

There’s the left wing alternative.


McWilliams pod this week on infrastructure investment was good. I take him with a pinch of salt always but he had a good guest on this week discussing it.

Basically, infrastructure investment should not be done by paying a private contractor. It should be in house and you can hire private people if you want but the government should have expertise to know what’s a fair price and what’s not.

It’s something I have thought myself a long time.
It’s fairly intuitive really if you are factoring in a profit margin for these companies then you are overpaying massively.

Experts compared the price of building a KM of underground all around the World and it wasn’t cheapest in the poorest countries or more expensive in the richest countries. There was no correlation. Other than if the government runs it themselves with their own engineers it’s cheaper.

It translates into everything really I think. Won’t hire new nurses to save money on pensions etc. Hire in on contract instead. Pay unijobs or whoever a massive fee, get workers who don’t stay because it’s not permanent. Start again.
Train nurses in Ireland, come out and no permanent jobs, despite huge amount of empty rolls, they leave and we pay recruitment firms to go to the Philippines instead. While the nurses we paid to train we have had very little benefit of and are over in Australia.

It’s a bonkers system to save a few bob short term that ends up costing infinitely more


I think it was around 2010 when a Janapese firm had finished some big tunneling contract in the UK. They had all the gear right next to us and offered to build an underground from Dublin city centre to the airport. They’d pay for everything and operate it privately for ten years, before handing it over to the state. Of course we told them to shove it up their hole.

The problem is that our public service are so incompetent, they’ll fuck everything up. Look at the state of the children’s hospital. The government awarded a tender to a contractor without specifying actual requirements for the job. You couldn’t trust the cunts to do anything right.

The DAA are paying 200-250 million for a tunnel under a runway. Great value.

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There should be a return of service for anyone in the medical field who gets training and university paid for by the state. Three years is fair. Buy out if they want, but three years guaranteed pay and hours after qualification and the country benefits from the investment.

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Is there any correlation between the directly elected mayor in cities across Ireland and the C40 schtick below I wonder.

I’m extremely dubious about how this was being sold. You aren’t getting payback in 10 years for that sort of thing.

I do know that vested interests have blocked efforts from overseas previously.

Very odd behaviour from comrade Murphy.


Mehole being mehole.

You’d expect it from someone on here but not a sitting TD

Does this mean the word infectious is now offensive?

And the cork greenie getting very excited over 12 year olds​:thinking::thinking:


So if one was to say “Sinn Fein’s appeal is infectious” that would be offensive? That seems overly PC. This is the sort of thing that annoys people.

That is a bit sinister